Hello, dear community. I am new here, but this forum is new too.
I got my ACE 5 days ago and had it assembled in one hour. First try with the 31 minutes benchy of the USB stick, and it came out perfect.
I am used to klipper, as I have my old SV06 klipperized for some time. I assume that the Ace is not so easy to use and understand when klipper is complete new for you and you know only Marlin printers.
First positives:
amazing speed with the demo benchy
automatic bed levelling easy and you never have to do it yourself again (?? we"ll see)
I thought that the demo benchy probably has an optimized gcode, and so I made my own benchy with the Orcaslicer in standard configuration: out came a benchy as good as the demo one.
First remarks for things that I didn’t like:
as there are no endstops, sensorless homing is pretty loud (sound like a little crash everytime)
the power supply fan runs permanently, so when there is no printer movement, you hear it. I’d love an rpm controlled fan.
For every print there is the same routine. First heat up and clean the nozzle, then cool down to 130 °C and do ABL, then heat up again and start the job. This is time consuming (no real problem, as the following printing speed is very good) and you sit there and and observes the process (2 - 3 min).
the wonderful nozzle cleaning has a negative effect: Under the machine there will be many small leftovers, much more than I had with other printers. You have to lift it and clean the area rather often.
The camera is not automatically operating; I expected a camera view in the klipper mainsail screen. There is a picture of the model, but it should be live. I understand that you can use the Obico app on your smartphone, but I would like to have it on my PC.
That’s all for my first days with the ACE: Very good and quite an improvement to the old SV 06 (also a good printer).
Happy printing
Hi I’ve just git mine setup as well, very happy with it.
You can enable the camera in mainsail by going to settings-> webcams->add webcam.
Use all the default settings and save.
Then you can add it to the dashboard by going to settings->dashboards->checkbox webcam.
Be sure to add it to the different device types you use.
I was wondering how to enable the light for the webcam I have not been able to do that.
For the linux users, use the beta orcaslicer app image since that already contains the printer and filament profiles.
nozzle cleaning - if there is enough space under the printer, you can make a “poop chute” that transports the filament bits to a box (back or on the side, wherever there is space for it).
My guess would be that’s from nozzle ooze.
I don’t have Klipper on any of my printers…this should be something you can control in the pre-hotend temp.
+1; I want to keep my config files in GitLab, as I do with all systems, so need to ssh. Default user/password doesn’t work & I cannot find anywhere in the config to enable a user.
I agree, it is far too obvious. But that’s exactly what I got in a mail from Sovol support when I asked them about credentials. They don’t care much about data protection and privacy. I am slightly astonished and worried.
This is my third major investment in te Sovol printer line : I started with a Sovol SV06 prnter in dec 2023, next a SV04, then an upgrade of my SV066 into a Klipperized one, and a week ago a SOVOL SV06 ACE. While my three previous investment were almost hassle-free, this is not the case of my purchase of the SV06 ACE !
Fisrt, when I powered it on it made horrible rattling noise, as it attempted to go beyond the physical limit into the negtive y axis. I learned from the message I attached mine that there are no more end stops ! Thhis noise remebers me the failures of some of my CNC machine when the end stops do not work.
I figured out that there is a discrepancy between the position of the plater the controller thinks and the reality. The discrepancy is about 55mm in the positive direction of the y axis, i.e. a positive offset in the y+ direction !
In addition to this problem, I was not able to print the two examples on the USB memory stick of my purchase. They were instances of the benchy test. Both ended with printer error.
I am clearly disappointed !
I must admit that there is a tremendous improvement in many aspects with respect to my original SV06 ! However there are some aspects that annoys me, such as when I am doing several printings jobs in a row, the z-levelling between consecutive printings. It seems to me to be superfluous, a wate of time !
I am particularly interested in hearing from recent owners of a SV06 ACE about my strange y-offset in what the printer controller thinks about the platter !
Yes, I also mentioned the rattling in my article about first impressions.
I thought that this is a side effect of sensorless end stopping, but now that I read your comment, I recognize the error too. When you home, this works as expected without any noises. But you can see that after homimg the center of the nozzle is not in the middle of the plate, but about 55 mm in Y- direction.
When you move in both x-diection and y-direction, it tells you when you try to go over the max position allowed. Only when you try this in Y+ direction it tries to move over the limit and the rattling occurs.
But I am astonished that you couldn’t print the USB stick benchy. This worked for me perfectly, even though the print was not in the middle of the plate.
Will you try to contact Sovol support (or did you already)?
My experience with their support is very positive - very quick response and competent answers to my questions.
My problem with the benchy printing (from the gcode file on the memory stick) was not related to my other problems in my first use of the SV06 ACE.
Most of the time I use petg filament. The gcode files on the memory stick were benchys to be printed with pla filament. In my first atempt I use a leftover pla reel with a probably too old filament (not dry enough ?). Hence the failure.
Next I printed a benchy in petg. I had to go back to the benchy stl file and use the Orca slicer to produce a corresponding gcode file. The result was fine. Then I picked a brand new reel of pla filament and succeeded in printing the two original gcode files on the memory stick, except that for the 13 minutes example it first failed because it was unseated from the bed due to an accumulation of melted filament. I made a second attempt by applying some Dimafix laque where the benchy was supposed to be printed. It was successful. See the picture.
The yellow Benchy was made in petg. It had better surface but a bit of oozing. Next in quality result was the 33 minutes PLA and finally the 13 minutes also in PLA. I do not know the slicer parameters used to prepare the gcode file for the latter on the memory stick, but the printing process was vary shacky ! All the printing times were in fact a few minutes longer due to the fact that this printer does a bed leveling for each new printing. It does not bother me too much for my printings (2 to 4 hors for 120 to 200 gr of filament).
I am preparing a mail for the Sovol3D support team about the serious problem I have with my new printer, which is the y offset of 55 mm in the positive y direction. This appears clearly in the picture of the end of the Benchy printing. While the Benchy was supposed to be centered on the bed, it is moved towards the positive y axis. The horizontal filament depot above the SOVOL text is what the extruder produces at the beginning of the printing process. It is normally located with a negative y coordinate. On the picture the offset is between 50 and 55 mm.
As I could cope with the offset problem by restricting the piece in its y dimension (I have printed pieces up to 155 mm in the y axis), and shifting it on the platter to the front edge of the bed, I have printed half a dozen of large pieces, using almost 700 gr of petg and 200 gr of PLA filament with good results (except a bit of warping for the PLA piece). I used laque for all my prints.
The printing ends with a rattling noise when the extruder parks in the position x = 3.00, y = 225.00 and z = 70.050. The latter coordinate is the highest z coordinate of the printed piece plus 10 mm, as shown in the picture. I have observed on my browser page connected to the WFi of the printer (SV06 ACE Wifi), that before the rattling noise, the y coordinate was around 150.00, and 225.00 after.
Before contacting the Sovol3D support team, I wiil reinstall the firmware. Restoring the factory settings does not cure the problem, in spite of the fact that there is a step of verification of the xyz origin.
You probably still have one or both of the foam shipping blocks still installed under the bed. Remove them and that should solve your y-offset problem.
Thanks for your very elaborate comment. Please do not hesitate to contact support with this major fault. While it is possible to overcome the offset problem and get good printings, I’d rather let them give us a quick solution. Maybe it will only be a software fix.
Best greetings