Unable to get printer info from moonraker

Klipper Unable to get printer info from moonraker everytime start up the printer than goes away everything is normal. i have 1.0.17 with additions from Christiian Vick without it same issue other wlan net work or no wifi same. Does sovol users here how to fix this?

Gr. Marco

i had the same issue it turned out it was a faulty sv07 printer there are some sv07 that is a bad batch sovol replaced mine very fast now it working very well with no issues, also check your wifi as 2.4mhz will not work if it hight mine as 3 setting

My printer works fine, and wifi to. When i turn on the printer power on than i get 1 time the issue.
I think its software or some settings.
Sovol do you know about it?

Hi there,

correct time and zone set?


Mmmm i have set it to europa amsterdam.

i have a new sv07 printer and work ok must have been duff printer