Tried putting my sv08 on mainline klipper and now I'm stuck on booting screen

Tried putting my sv08 on mainline klipper and now I can’t get it to go past the boot screen I’ve tried booting from emmc and sd multiple times and different ones and nothing I’ve tried different images of the cb1 and nothing any help would I’m d be greatly appreciated I can’t portal in I can’t ssh in nothing and it’s super frustrating


I have been following this plan:

So far so good. One does need to SSH into the printer after changing the emmc.


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That’s the same instructions I’ve been following and I can gett the emmc flashed change the few things on it after flashing it and put it into the printer and stuck on boot screen can’t ssh into it nothing and I messed up and flashed over my original emmc like an idea so now I can’t even go back to the working one idk wat to do I been stuck for days now trying everything

Ok. So I was just able to get all the way through the instructions and it worked for me. I am wondering if you put in your SSID and Password for you wireless network? The little screen on the front will not work until later in installation.

I do agree that it would be nice for Sovol to have a more official way to mainline Klipper. It may be because they truly view it as a basic Voron 2.4 printer that gets a per up and running quickly but that is as far as they are willing to go.

I would say the hardest part of mainlining the SV08 is the flashing of the mainboard and the toolhead. It would have been nice to not have to use the USB stick to talk with the firmware.

Honnestly i do not understand that. With klipper mainline + customisation, they can did exactly the same without need of deploy there own version of klipper. I choose this printer for the open source choice but this random fork of klipper is a very bad practice (for the support of SV08 and for the community). BTW, fortunaly some people did the job to going back the the mainline. I did not perform the switch yet but i hope soon.

The may help, back to the old Sovol firmware

Tip in the description

Did you ever find a fix for this? I am running into the exact same issue. I am following the guide step by step and it seems to just fail to boot. I have tried ethernet connection straight into the switch and it doesn’t act like a things is plugged in at all. I tried entering the WiFi information in as well and going thorugh the connected devices over WiFi nothing shows up. I am able to flash the official Firmware back to the emmc with no issues and it loads back up and runs fine. The image was located here: SV08 | Sovol 3D Printer Wiki As it sits right now I go all the way through Step 3 and there is nothing responding on my SV08. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Mine totally quit responding completely I can’t even get the official firmware to load anymore it just stays in the boot screen on the little screen my touch screen just stays black

Did you send a mail to Sovol at ?
You have to be under warranty so if you give them order number and pics, you can be sure they’ll do something.

maybe this will help, there is a link on how to update klipper :