Are you sure of that, I mean the 450 is bigger than the stock PSU and does’nt fit with the SV06+ gantry ?
do you pay with specs in slicer?
i turned on avoid print and it did crazy things especially with tree support on
So here’s my list of problems and solutions with the SV06 Plus to date:
. Print head X-axis locked up while printing nylon, creating an elephant’s foot below and into the hot end, around and under the silicone sleeve. Unknown cause, but paid for replacement hot end, fan, and ducting out of pocket to get rolling again.
. Extruder bound mechanically due to a drive set screw backing out and contacting the inner housing and gouging it. Sovol took too long to respond, purchased replacement to get up and running again. Sovol eventually sent a replacement, but not in a timely manner.
. Build plate Y-axis noise and lockup due to bearing failure at the belt tensioner. Again, delayed response and parts support. Purchased replacements, and Sovol eventually sent one as well.
. Power supply failure. Replaced with @th3d_studio Meanwell. Waiting for response from support.
. Power switch/receptacle failure. Charred positive lead at switch, with melting of a switch terminal. Swapped to the unused terminals, ordered replacement upgrade from 10A to 15A switch, and will install this weekend. Again, still waiting on response from support.
Nothing but downtime and headaches with this unit. “You get what you pay for.”
Good day!
I have a test print rolling now - we will see how the meanwell 350 goes - as to slicer specs no I havent messed wiyh anything on the Sovol - My Ender 3 and CR10V2 is another matter altogether!!!
Also opened a support ticket with Sovol…
I have also made a discovery that ALL of you should be aware of …
Now unless I miss my guess THAT is a 500 Watt Power Supply!
OK the first print of the two smaller calibration cubes was successful!!!
Trying a more involved print next!!!
UPDATE!!! 3 Hours in on a 14 Hour print still going strong! And this is with a smaller 350W Meanwell Power Supply!
Those of you that suggested it was the power supply seems to have been correct!!!
Many thanks to all of you for making suggestions!!!
New Information - had 3 prints with a total of 36 hour print time print successfully!! Then the next 12 hour print failed at 83% Just like Previous. Put new 500Watt PS on (figured the printer was drawing too much for the previous 350watt … Did several Benchies that failed miserably this time it was because the print head was no longer at the previous setting. Releveled and printed the crop circle calibration pattern a bit off - releveled with the full 25 point mesh level, noticed the z level had changed from 1.99 to 1.48 - saved it redid crop circle - good print - printed Benchy again Freeze Failure as before. I recalled someone had posted that I needed to do a Factory Reset - finally figgered out that was the Initiaze EEPROM Command.
Double checked the level again - still at the new 1.48 setting - Perfect Benchy!! Tried to reprint a previous successful Roll Storage after letting the Printer sit off for about 8 hours - print froze at 83%. Prior to this print I did the only slicer mod and increased the print head temp from 185 t0 215 - the previous attempts I had manually set the 215 as print started(filament change required temp change)
Looking for any other suggestions!!! At this point I believe all my power supplies are good. So I will be putting the original 500 Watt Factory PS back on.
In Despair I have also ordered a new Motherboard…
Thanks for everyones suggestions.
Atempted resolutions so far -
- Reflash Firmware
- Replace power supply (with 2 Different ones, the successful 36 hours of prints were with the MEanwell 350 that I used as the first replacement. Then when froze reappeared got a new 500Watt into place.
- Factory reset
I had lockup issues at weekend and turned out to be a failing sdcard started printing via usb and no further issues. Not sure if this has been considered but thought worth a mention as the printer just literally just stops and sits there when it happened.
Have tried tried printing with the filament sensor set to off…??
A printer will just stop & not beep if the sensor is starting to fail.
Edit rechecked the first post the freeze you mentioned i recognize.
Because that is a power fluctuation and i have that on the ship i live on when changing from generator to shore power and vice versa.
However the 500 watt power supply should have big enough capacitors inside to brdige that i think maybe.
Do you have another outlet you could try maybe one from the kitchen that a electric stove could be on?
Im thinking maybe the outlet your using is in the same circuit as another device that draws enought power to make the power dip a bit.
It happens cause on board i can see the light dimm a tiny bit when the air compressor starts
“I had lockup issues at weekend and turned out to be a failing sdcard started printing via usb and no further issues. Not sure if this has been considered but thought worth a mention as the printer just literally just stops and sits there when it happened.”
Thanks I actually have 3 separate SD Cards that I rotate including the 8 Gig original…
“Have tried tried printing with the filament sensor set to off…??
A printer will just stop & not beep if the sensor is starting to fail.”
No but I will now!!!
Bronsmotor - I had actually tried several other outlets but now I am thinking a Line conditioner / UPS might be in order… We have lost power more in the last two weeks than we have had in the past 7 years here…
Line conditioner might be the way to go.
A ups to actually finish a print will cost a arm and a leg however it may very well be possible to increase the ups back up time by simply getting more batteries and connect to ups in paralllel did not try but when my battery fails ill probably throw a car battery next to the ups for easy fix haha.
But im thinking a line conditioner might do the trick with the 500 watt power supply that should be plenty to fix minor fluctuations.
In my case its a full power loss for a very short period wich ducks the printers brain around.
If you do go ups check second hand i got one cheap and it was still inthe box never used.
I think you have a bad board. I’d reach out to Sovol. They replaced my board for an issue i was having and it mostly resolved my issues.
I currently have faulty filament sensor and awaiting replacement you can unplug and still feed filament and use as a guider the printer just thinks one not fitted. Would be intrested if you tried a usb print to rule out sdcard slot on controller pcb
I didn’t read through this, but I saw “system board” mentioned and thought it helpful to point out you can buy a brand new SV06 system board on for about $24USD. I bought one and swapped it in when my printer was new due to a false belief the board had a fault which turned out to be a faulty MicroSD card from Sovol. So now I have a spare one! The actual swap was straight forward, just mind the goop on driver connectors which you must cut through to release them. Good luck!
If you can warranty the board, you should.
Thanks again folks after waiting almost a week for Customer service to respond I finally ordered a motherboard from Amazon. And of course the day the board arrived Customer Service started talking to me. Now they have another motherboard on the way, for 6 days but at least tracking shows it in country but no estimate of delivery. Hopefully I get it and install it this weekend!!!