Sv06 plus stops printing

So there is another problem with sv06 plus.
Downloaded model from thigiverse, sliced in orca (last version) on yhe third layer it just stops printing. It takes the extruder to the left side and that’s it.
New mainboard,new SD card, new screen and new extruder motor. Tried to slice it in sovols slicer, same thing. No errors,nothing…just stops printing and after few seconds it drops the temperature to 0. Tried to print on elegoo printer and it’s working just fine. God damn sovol, worst printers I ever met. Worst firmware, no updates for 2 years!!!

P.s. just paid attention that it thinks that the print is finished and it’s 20 mm🤦, when it’s 0.6 mm.

I have the same printer, and unless I’m wrong, it seems to me that your firmware is not the Sovol version.
Did you try to go back to that version?

:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::rofl::person_facepalming: Nope, it sovol’s firmware. There is one another topic with the same problem.

So, I would like to know why my screen is not the same

And if I press pause, it just stays forever on this screen

It’s a night mode, you can choose it on yhe main screen.

I know there are dark and light modes but I don’t remember the crown around the time

This screen is the same as mine

Anyway, it’s the last version of firmware that I’ve downloaded from sovol website.

Did you open a ticket at Sovol?
The Chinese New Year holiday has just ended.

Where I can do it? I don’t know any ticket system.

Send an email to with your order number and any pictures you may have of the defect.
Normally, they’ll reply within a week.

They know about this issue. Already got 2 mainboards. Yook printer yo the third party service, got new hot end…but they say that it’s a slicer or model that cause a problem. There is another models with the same problem. So there is nothing yo do with it. They have to find a problem in yhe firmware,but they won’t do this.

I’m sorry but as I said in a previous post, I’ve owned this printer for a year and I’ve never had this problem.
I’m really satisfied with this printer. That’s why I can’t understand why firmware would be involved if we use the same one.
So, sorry for you and I suggest you insist on Sovol.
When I had problems with my SV04, they kept helping me until my problem was solved.

Hey @sovol3d can you give a hand to this user ?

The reason that i said that’s it’s the firmware problem, because there is no reason for this problem, everything new, and only software can make such bugs like end the print and show 20 mm instead of 0.6 mm. And the model thickness (height) is 20 mm. So yhe firmware thinks for some reason that it came to the end (after the extruder moves to the next layer), and it takes the extruder to the end point. But because firmware see that it’s just 7% done, it doesn’t finish the printing, just drops the temps to 0. And when you try to pause the print, it can’t do that and goes to the endless loop. There is a conflict between 2 things. So there is a software issue.

There are so many reasons why a printer stops before the end:

  • electric (if your printer is safe for overheating,…)
  • mechanical (if the printer detects a stop, if there is a block,…)
  • software (if the gcode contains errors,…)
  • and so on

There is no mech problems ( test print a cube it prints well)
No problem with g-code (resliced in another slicer)
There is only one thing that can cause this problem - firmware.

Okay, if you’re sure.
Just one point, if firmware were involved all the owners of this printer (I guess there are many) who use this firmware would have the same issue. That’s why your printer probably has a problem as well.
Don’t hesitate to open a ticket.

I’m not the only one that has this problem (google it).
There is another modified firmware that users install when this issue appears. But there is another problem with this firmware, and I don’t really want to install it.
I will oprn a ticket, but I don’t think it will help.

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Now it gives me a “sd card error” on 3 sd cards.