@sovol3d can you please check what’s going on?
Don’t you think it’s your SD card reader that generates all these errors? Bad code files and SD card errors. That’s a guess.
And don’t forget to provide your order number to use Sovol’s technical support.
Tried with card reader in my laptop (with adapter) and with another card reader on my desktop (I’m a photographer so I have a good card reader on the desktop) without adapter, same problem. Will try to print via usb.
And I can provide only AliExpress order number, and they will send me to the AliExpress official store. And they are do nothing. Spent almost half year for texting with them.
Don’t be afraid, you’re not alone to buy via Ali.
It’s not a problem.
And I talked about the card reader of the printer, not of your PC.
I’ve already changed 2 mainboards and there is same problems. Or stops in mid print without any error, or gives me sd card error. Also had a problem with thermistor,extruder motor and main cable. After 6 months they sent me a new mainboard,hotend kit, extruder motor and cable. But there is same problem with the errors… You can check the internet, even here on forum you can find same issues.
Now I’m trying to print via pc that connected to the printer. But there is allot of issues , first of all you can’t adjust the z height.
So, I’m very lucky.
For my part, I’ve never had a problem with this printer.
And I don’t think the card reader is on the motherboard. I think it’s probably connected to the motherboard through a USB port.
Where do you see a connection ?
I can’t see card reader.
On the first foto on the right lower corner. It’s a card reader to the left fro him it’s a micro usb connector. On the second foto you can see that the usb connector goes to the other part of the board.
Btw you can’t connect adapter to micro usb and use it like a sd card reader. Micro usb on this board used for “smart” connection. Like a pc or octoprint connection.
Micro usb connector goes to the “smart” part of the board.
I don’t have my printer in front of me too, so I trust you.
First of all, I used this printer with Octoprint, now with a Beagle camera, I don’t use the card reader anymore.
But my first tests were with the card reader and it worked.
Maybe on octoprint you can adjust it while printing, but when just connect pc via usb and print from sovol cura, you can’t adjust anything, only pause or abort the print.
Now I’ve got another error. Driver halt…
So you took the printer to the shop & they gave you a new hotend.
Did they check it before you picked picked it up…??
Did they print with it…??
If they fixed it, why did it break again on you…??
Why not take it back to them…??
You keep posting that your sending the file from Cura through USB, have you just tried to put the Gcode on the SD Card & tried to print…??
I also wonder how you can blow 3 mainboards…??
Are you sending too much power through the USB port…??
I don’t want to argue with you…you & Sovol can hash this out…but it seems like there is a missing part of this story your not telling us about…JMO.
From your other thread:
So models you download from Printables work, but models you designed yourself don’t.
How is this a printer problem, this is a user problem.
Hello. Can you give me your order number and e-mail account by Message? I contact the technician to help the problem
First of all learn to read. Sovol sent me all this stuff and they printed with all this parts. And stop crying that someone not like sovol products. It’s not the first yime that you are doing this.
Problem is your st*pidity just don’t answer to my topics because you are useless and just keep defending sovol. And if you can’t find a solution, so problem is a user…sure. Google this problem and you will find out that there is a problem for marlin printers that other manufacturers solved, but sovol won’t do this. Last update of firmware 2 years ago marlin 2.0 while there is marlin 2.1 can be installed on other printers, and much older than sv06 plus.
So now I’m trying to print through prontoface to see where is the problem. I can check there in logs where and why it happened.
Already sent an email.
Now I can’t even make an outolevel, because it drops temp to 189 and stops with an error. Reflashed, same bug, made a pid calibration, same bug. And all this with a new mainboard,extruder motor,hotend kit.