A few days ago things started acting funny. I would warm up machine and go to start a print but the nozzle would stay in the middle of the bed, not move but the time/layers would move extremely fast as if it was running and after about 30 seconds it would say the print was finished. Turning the machine off and back on seemed to fix it. Next, it would come out to the middle to prob the bed but do it about an inch in the air and stay there. Would even print an inch in the air. When I would Home the nozzle, it would come down and touch the bed like normal but the next time would push the bed down and then finally stall in the air again. I was running John Carlsons firmware with no issues for about a year now so not sure whats going on. I swapped over to Bjeorns today to see if that would help and it did at first. When i try to auto level, it will check the first 7-12 points and then stall out in air again before quitting. I am at a complete loss right now and have no idea where or what to even look for.
All the motors work without issue. Can move it up down and side to side perfectly. Please help.
This seems to be an ugly issue.I would recommend to check:
Correct earthing of your SV04 (power supply unit, mainboard and metal case and gantry parts);
power supply output voltage and mainboard supply voltage during the auto levelling procedure - both voltages have to remain stable;
CR touch & connected cables - there must be no electrical interruption when manually wiggling the cables;
left print head cable connectors & left gantry breakboard for brittle solder joints;
the surrounding environment of your SV04 - are the any new electrical devices that might cause electromagnetical interference? Extra distance could help, shielded cables will help.
I recently saw a YouTube video where a guy says he replaces his cr(br?) touch wiring every so often because poor electrical connections in the connector cause issues like this. He walks through the whole process.
Personally, I would think to resolder and/or reinforce the wiring somehow rather than replacing it every time, but maybe it isn’t practical with the design? I am still new to this printer, Sovol in general and their idiosyncrasies …
I had this same issue with my sv04. It’s a long story but this is how I resolved my issue temporarily. Btw, this is on a new motherboard that sovol sent me. They sent it because the bed and nozzles were not heating. Turns out there was no current registering on the heater port on motherboard.
They sent a new motherboard and right away I had 2 issues. The first was the left extruder would stutter, at first in different areas of a print and eventually the whole print job. When I say stutter, i mean the black gear on the extruder would move back and forth about 5 to 10mm repeatedly. Eventually, it got that it was always stuttering. No filament extruded while this was happening but the gcode was executing. Turns out the wiring cable from left extruder to pcb behind gantry got fried after installing the new board. I swapped out the cable from the right extruder and it’s now working as it should. I’m waiting on replacement cable.
The 2nd issue, I found out a few days later. I tried to auto level. I would manually level the bed, then proceed with the whole procedure to auto measure, then save. The nozzle, while auto measuring, would push down so low on the bed you can see the bed moving down. At first it would complete the 16 points but the results were so out of range. Then a few days later, on the left side of the bed, the cr touch would stop on point 13 and return to park. All points that got measured were out of range, too high on right side, too low on left side.
My advice is:
stop auto measuring/leveling. Do a RESET on eeprom. Do a Z align and then do a manual leveling.
Do Not save after you manually level it. It will knock out all your manual leveling. I hit eeprom before manually leveling then after manual leveling, I DO NOT home it or Save. When I go to print my first print, I may or may not have to adjust the Z axis,
but not by much. I save the adjustment from the adjustment screen.
My manual leveling has given great first layers.
Since these 2 things happened, I was convinced it was the “new” motherboard for which I am now waiting for the replacement.
I really hope that resolves this issue. If it doesn’t, then I will stick with manual leveling, it seems to work so much better.