Recently got my SV08 set up and did a test print and two small prints on it. Now when i tell it to print it levels itself then goes Cancel Print!!! And stops. It heats up the bed but not the nozzle. I can get the nozzle to heat by itself but it still wont print when the nozzle is at the right temperature. I tried unplugging and replugging the x and y sensors and made sure the camera had a clear view. Any advice would be appreciated, cheers.
Check the console for error messages. It may be failing on the gantry leveling process. It will show an error if that’s the case. If it’s new, then contact Sovol about it. You may have a warped bed. There are some configuration changes you may be able to make, to allow it to continue, but if it’s that far off, it may be too far off to print on properly.
The only message it displays when it stops is Cancel Print!!! And then it goes back to the ready screen. If it is warping in the bed would there be anyway for me to tell?
Huh. What happens if you go to the console and type “quad_gantry_level” and hit enter. It should go to all 4 corners a bunch of times. If it passes that, then maybe take a video of it when you start a print. BTW, have you updated the firmware on it? If not, do that.