SV04 Printing Issues

When I start a print my SV04 heats up to the correct temperature and the head moves home then after about 5 mins the printer says the print has finished without the head printing anything. The nozzle of the head was clogged so I’ve unclogged and replaced it but the problem is still there. I have also tried printing in single mode on the second head but this also does not work. I tried plugging in the usb cable to get the printers logs but the port is not aligned with the printers cut-out so it won’t plug in. Does anyone have any idea why its not printing and if not if it fine to take the printer apart and try moving the motherboard to align the port with the cut-out. (The problem started after a print was finished. the printer was switched off at the wall with out clicking finish print)

Could you try printing using Pronterface with a USB cable?
Do you print using Octoprint? I had this issue with an Octoprint plugin that would stop the printer when a temperature was reached.

Hello saumethan,
first of all, welcome to the forum!

You described a couple of issues, which I try to sort out:
A. USB-port not aligned to housing cut-out:
The motherboard is installed upside down as you might have noticed when inserting SD-cards. The same applies to the Micro-USB port. Therefore ensure that you are using a correct cable & correct direction of the plug. If cable & USB plug direction are correct the next step will be writing to Sovol support in order not to void your warranty when you open the printer housing and adjust the motherboard position - take care that both USB-port and SD-card slot remain functional in the new motherboard position.

B. SV04 not printing as desired:
There could be a bunch of reasons. Assuming that you already successfully did proceed the setup and leveling procedures according to the “SV04 operation instruction” and the “Bed leveling guide for SV04” documents, this is a small test procedure to locate basic printer problems:

  1. Restart your SV04 from power-off.
  2. Heat-up both nozzles & hot-bed to filament printing temperatures using the “Temp” menu.
    => Check that all set temperatures are reached within a few minutes and then kept constant +/- a few °C.
  3. Home the SV04 manually: Go to “Settings” → “Move” menu & push the home button.
    => The left nozzle should move to the middle of the hot-bed & perform two measurements using the CR-touch sensor. Then the left nozzle should stay at a Z-height of 0.0mm.
  4. Move the left nozzle up to Z=20.0mm above the hot-bed using the Z-up button. Return to “Settings” menu, Go to “Refuel” menu. Enter 20 [mm] in the top input field for extruder 1 & push the top feed button.
    => The left extruder should turn & press a string of filament out of the nozzle.
  5. Return & go to “Move” menu. Move the left nozzle to 0mm. Switch to the right extruder & move it to the middle of the hot-bed. Return & go to “Refuel” menu. Enter 20 [mm] in the bottom input field for extruder 2 & push the bottom feed button.
    => The right extruder should turn & press a string of filament out of the nozzle.
  6. Return twice & go to “Temp” → “Cooling” menu & cool down nozzles & hot-bed. Turn off fans after cool-down.

In case this test procedure did work without problems it would be a good idea to provide more information e.g. current firmware version & slicer software, also an upload of your print file that did not work will be helpful to locate the problem source.

C. Clogged nozzle:
There could be also many reasons for that. Wrong slicer settings that result in printing too much filament in the vincinity of printed structures or the hot-bed could be one reason. An other could be moving the hot-end into printed structures. A leaking nozzle due to wrong installation could be an other reason. Picture of the issue would be helpful to get closer to the problem source.

Good luck!

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Thanks this helped.

Mt printers now working perfectly. I think it was an issue with the z axis.

I was gifted the printer and I’m sure it was bought more that a year ago so I don’t think there’s any warranty left on it. Should I try repositioning the motherboard myself then?

Yes, it’s very easy.
Take pictures before replace the motherboard then unplug and plug each cable one by one.

That should be no big problem. Most important: Ensure that you unplugged the power cord first! Be careful with gantry & extruders when turning the SV04 aside: The top extruder will crash into the bottom one following gravity… A second person to assist you by holding the gantry will be very helpful.
Try to avoid electrostatic effects by earthing yourself, your SV04 & your tools before opening the bottom housing plate screws. As written before: Ensure that both USB-port and SD-card slot remain functional before fixing the new motherboard in position. Ensure to have all screws back in place on the motherboard before closing the housing.

Good luck