SV07plus - during printing nozzle seems to come down to the printed surface continuously

Hey, i encountered a tricky issue with my printer

When starting a print the first layer is nearly perfect. No scratching, good surface etc.
Sticks good on the plate and does no come up or deform anyhow

After let’s say 4-5 mm height nozzle starts scratching the printed part.

So i fine tune the height by 0.04 mm and no more scratching.

15 minutes later same problem again and again

Had to set 1.25 mm plus on a 35 mm hight printed part.

All bearings seem to have the right tension, nozzle is fixed print head is not loose. Spindles are lubed. Cleaned rails and wheels from dust. I have no idea what else i could try

Does anyone maybe have experience on this?

Maybe any solution?

Thanks for any advice

Picture shows fine tune after z: 6.72 mm print height after several times increasing nozzle distance a few steps

which slicer, and which profile do you use (layer height)?
Is your printer calibrated correctly - if you print a test cube of say 20 x 20 x 20 mm, does it measure correctly after printing? (preferably use calipers)

Hi Tingo,

your advice is much appreciated

I am using orca slicer with SV07+ 0.4 nozzle profile

Layer height is 0.18 mm

i now printed a 20 mm calibration cube, first one was
z 20.2 mm
x 20.05
y 20.03
measured with a digital caliper.

Now i adjusted the rotaion distance values in printer.cfg using a Rotation Distance Calculator for Klipper to get the new values.

I will start a print tomorrow, to see if it still scratches.

Thanks for your suggestions, really hope this helps already.

One more question please, have you ever had the issue that the z-leveling did not work anymore?

In my particular case, the z leveling does not reach the tolerance of 0.005 anymore. It always stops on e.g. 0.03 because of too many tries or of increasing tolerance.

In the near past it always worked well, often better than the 0.005 mm, e.g. 0.002 or else

Best regards

Unfortunately seems the problem with scratching and lowering is still there, although i changed the rotation distance in printer cfg file and restarted the printer

Any ideas maybe?

Thanks and best regards

When the range won’t come down any further that can be sometimes caused by the z pom wheel tension and gantry alignment being unable to compensate for the difference between the bed and the gantry. I had this and needed to loosen one of the z pom wheels more than I’d like to allow the z balance to compensate. Try measuring the height from the left of the gantry to the bed and comparing with the right. Ultimately I had to repeatedly relevel the bed, adjust the eccentric nut on the Z wheels, reset z adjust and tighten z couplers many times to find a good bed mesh that works. Worth sticking with it.

Hi Gerry

Thanks a lot for your suggestion

I never maintained z pom wheel tension since i own this printer

So i have no clue how tight they have to be

But your advice to loosen them was great for the ability to z leveling. After only 9 tries the tolerance was 0.003 mm

Nice suggestion, many thanks!

Now i have to do some test prints to see what happens with the lowering nozzle.

By the way. Is it correct to tighten wheel axs nut so that those wheels can be turned very easily by hand?

Thanks again and best regards also to Tingo

There should be some tension, too loose & the axis will fall.

Has a little tension so not too essy to turn but possible with 2 fingers.

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One more question please

Is this normal?

One side the distance of upper edge of anti backlash nut to the black metal bracket is 11 mm.

The other nut (where the cable is attached has a distance of 12 mm)

And should the 2 little screws be completely fastened or loos e as shown in sovol Home page picture?

Normally my screws looked as in sovol picture

Thanks in advance

The second image is the right one.
The threaded rod shall remain free, therefore the nuts shall not be tightened to the maximum.


Is there a way to reduce the tension of the main springs? How could i do this? The small screws only hold the brass nut plate below the black bracket they do not seem to have an impact on main spring compression

Thanks again

Sorry but I don’t own SV07, I can’t help you.
Good luck