Reply to Step 1: I grabbed a new multimeter and tested the leads from the motherboard (Disconnected them and tested it), put the Ohm meter at 200 ohms, and it showed 2.4 Ohms. I also wiggled the cable while I was measuring and found little to no change when moving the cable. (I forgot to send a picture, but I’ll include it in my next post)
Reply to Step 2: Didn’t apply since there was not infinite resistance.
Reply to Step 3: I’m a little conflicted on this. The bed contact points have a silicon hard gel covering them. And I’m worried on damaging the board by prying off this residue. Would you recommend a solvent or something to take it off? Or should I just stop being a woos.
In my understanding from what you said, it sounds like the bed is functioning the way it is supposed to, reading 2.4 ohms on my multimeter.
Ok. So here is what I have been doing the last couple of days/hours. I started disassembly and reassembly of my 3D printer to see if there was anything I was able to find or figure out. I actually managed to find that the 4 prong connector to the black control box was a little more loose than what I had previously thought. I tightened it up, ran a PIN test as mentioned in the first step (Did not save the new configuration because I didn’t want to change something). Everything was working fine for a practice print, and roughly 8 hours in, “Thermal Runaway” error.
This time however, I have Octoprint logs and pictures that might help the situation. Another buddy that I have also been asking quite a few questions thinks that it now might be internal with the board or program. So really worrying.
Thermal Runaway Error Log 7-13-24 (1).txt (9.6 KB)
Where do you think I should go from here? Sorry if I missed something. And thank you very much for both your patience and help @Bjoern.
Edit 1: I also wanted to point out that the screen indicating the thermal runaway was off, and not actually 190 & 57 degrees Celsius. The temperatures were ice cold, not hot when I touched the hot surfaces later after I noticed it had stopped. Neither the bed nor the extruder were hot.
Edit 2: My friend who also has experience with 3D printers mentioned that there could be a bug in the software, because it did not indicate a thermal runaway. Not really sure where he found this out (probably the Error Log I included above), but that’s what he believes. If that’s the case, is there a way to update my printer’s firmware? I’ve never done something like this, so a step by step would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again!
Edit 3: Just noticed that there has been a change in the “Thermal Runaway” screen popup. Not sure what this means but yae.