I’ve found some ways to restore my KlipperScreen:
Note: The KlipperScreen firmware is identical for SV06/SV06+/SV07/SV07+, it only differs in the printer.cfg, which can be downloaded separately and replaced, once your screen came back to life:
Once you revived your screen, make sure to prevent kernel either by locking it, or just don’t do any updates. See below.
Good Luck!
Option a) Reinstall the Firmware update (50MB download):
Requires an empty, max. 32GB sized USB-Drive.
Download the firmware update. It’s only available on google drive:
If the link became invalid, try to find it on Sovols product page:
Sovol Klipper Screen
Then look for
Sovol SV06 Plus Klipper Screen Firmware
(Again: You can use this one for SV06/SV07/SV07Plus as well)
Unzip it, it contains two files:
“armbian-update.deb” and “Notes on flashing the firmware.txt”
Copy the “armbian-update.deb” onto an empty USB-Drive (max. 32GB; formatted as “FAT32”, don’t use “exfat” or “ntfs”), insert it in one of the USB-ports of the screen, power it on and wait, it should come back to life.
If the screen doesn’t show anything after 5 minutes, try different USB-drives and USB-ports.
Option b) Completely reflash the eMMC (2GB download)
Requires either an eMMC-USB-Adapter or access to the serial console of the screen.
Open Sovols KLIPAD50 github page for instructions to download and install the firmware image:
Download the firmware image. It’s only available on google drive:
armbian-KLIPAD50-07-20231229.zip - Google Drive
(or search the KLIPAD50 github page for that link)
There is also a link to an eMMC adapter on the github page:
You can also try to access the serial console of the screen and reflash the eMMC from there:
GitHub - TomasOlsson/BrickedSv07-Sv07Plus: This is just for users that have bricked their Sovol Sv07 printer.
Locking the kernel / Future updates:
It’s best to lock the kernel (and dtb), so future updates don’t kill your screen again.
Either use ssh or putty to log into the screen, then enter
sudo apt-mark hold linux-image-edge-rockchip64 linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64
Or follow these instructions, it uses “armbian-config” to lock the kernel+dtb
and also shows, how and what you can update without killing the screen:
GitHub - 3DPrintDemon/How-to-Update-Sovol-Klipper-Screen-To-Latest-Klipper-SV06-and-SV07