The problems with this printer just never stop.
Over a year and I have only be able to successfully print one benchy, a couple of temperature towers and a few tiny other projects, When started trying to print bigger projects, I thought a Klipper upgrade might help, but it was full of problems as well.
Thought I had that all sorted out when suddenly had filament oozing issues, so I had to disassemble the printing head, check the parts and reassemble. I found nothing that would indicate a problem in the extruder; no filament to clean out and the passages were clear.
This DID NOT fix the filament oozing issues. It continues to “pee-out” a constant, slow stream of PLA when the head is heated to 210C. I don’t get it.
Also now the print head rams into the print surface when I try to Z calibrate and I have to hit the emergency stop on the Kilpper screen.
I followed the Sovol video tutorial on how to disassemble the printing head to the letter. Seems though, they kinda forgot to tell you that this will hose your Z axis sensor calibration, as the proximity sensor has to be removed and it doesn’t return to the same position with the simplistic instructions they provide.
Also, the printer is now homing HARD on the X and Y axis. I tried restoring the Klipper screen to factory settings, but it’s still noticeably firm when it hits the end. It was never like this before I disassembled the extruder; that shouldn’t have affected it!@
I am pretty much at a loss as how to proceed.
I know the proximity switch needs to be a specific distance from the print bed, but what is the point of reference you use to set this switch?
Looks like I’ve poked some holes in my PEI sheet and probably ruined a couple of new nozzles by ramming them into the print bed.
What am I going to have to do? Buy yet another extruder assembly just to get a properly adjusted probe?