Auto Home crashes into bed

Had to buy a new sensor and after I’ve installed the new one I can’t get the printer to work right. Whenever I try to calibrate it, it has to do an auto home first and it always crashes into the bed so I have to power it off.

The sensors red light is on, it is mounted correctly and at the correct height. I flashed the firmware and I reset the eeprom several times.

I’ve had the problem before and fixed it but that was a while ago and I can’t recall exactly what I did.

Sound like your Z-Offset is off.
Can you post a pic from bed level showing the probe & nozzle so we can check the height…??

Sure here is a pic. I wish I could test if the probe was working or not. I don’t know why it wouldn’t, but who knows.

I use a different cooling fan, but from your pic, the probe is way too high.

This is what it looks like after Auto Home.

Hmmm, thanks for the pics.

I just tightened the screw till it stops but yours is incredibly low. I’ll fiddle with it and get back to you.

I’ve never had to adjust the probe, it’s still in the stock position.

Ha! they sent me the wrong probe! It’s much shorter than the sv06 + probe.

I’m pretty sure that if you loosen the top screw, you can push the probe down.

The probe is the same but the black tube it fits in is very different.

If you have another printer, you can print this:

I don’t have another printer but thanks. I am going to print the holder for another probe I have. It is really difficult to get the probe out of the holder btw. I ended up just cutting away the holder from the probe even though it just screws into the holder.

Mine doesn’t go that low without full unscrewing and no I don’t have another printer