I greet you. I have such a problem, recently I was printing an object and I forgot that I had it on the shelf. The Z-axis crashed into the printout… Unfortunately, I didn’t check it, it’s my fault, I know… But now whenever I want to print something or put auto home, or bed leveling, it crashes into the bed every time… When I leave all the axes at 0, the z-axis doesn’t touch the pad but it’s about 2cm higher… But before I noticed that when the extruder was closer to the bed, it went off, but now it’s always on… I’ve had the printer for a few months, so I don’t know much about it, so I’d appreciate any advice. Do you have any idea how to solve it? Thank you very much
Let me see if I get what your trying to say…
You started a new print but you already had a print of the plate & the Z Axis crashed into it.
When you try to home or bed level the nozzle crashes into the plate.
The probe no longer blinks when it gets close to the plate.
Is this close to what your trying to say…??
Yes, it’s exactly as you say… Whatever I want to do is just hit the mat… It won’t stop and just crash
Read this & see if it helps.
Several timesI tried to load a new firmware but I don’t know which one is the last one. On the sovol website I found V2 0.0.A but I have it there since I bought the printe
You don’t need to install any firmware…that won’t fix anything.
You just need to reset your Z-Offset & maybe your probe.
I’ll be gone most of today & tomorrow, so someone else may help you.
You can also check if the probe is correctly positioned.
By removing a printed model from the plate, you can touch the probe, which can disrupt it.
Several folks have done that. (Me, too.) That usually ends up pushing the sensor up into the black tube.
You will have to take the extruder cover off and push the sensor back down. The sensor has to be able to sense the metal print bed.