Issues printing with PETG

Maybe it’ll be better if you get in touch with Sovol at
Send them your order number and pics.
Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until the end of the Chinese New Year holiday on February 3, I guess.

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Have you tried any other brands of PETG or what about PLA prints…??
Have you been able to print anything…??

I just tried this brand of PETG…PLA runs good…

Look at the profile you’re using with PETG. If first layer prints nicely, and the remaining layers don’t, problem may be the difference between first and other layers. Temperature comes to mind. Or layer height, which doesn’t count for first layer because of overridden by Z-offset.
Another idea may be that the SV08’s tendency towards slight underextrusion bites here. As you can increase extrusion factors on the fly, you may try to increase it - probably best together with reducing print speed, i.e. amount of material flow per time unit. Underextrusion at a wrong temperature results in extruded material getting pulled on while the head continues to move, rather than being simply laid on layer upon layer.

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Did you already do this ?

And also check the extruder idler tension, it may be too loose.
In my experience PETG needs quite some more force to pass through the hot-end than PLA, so the extruder might be slipping.

The first layer is printed at way lower speeds than the next ones, and at higher speeds the flow of the hot-end and therefore the feed of the extruder also needs to be higher.
That’s could be the reason why the first layer seems ok and the rest is crap… I’ve seen exactly this with the extruder idler gear axle out of it’s place

After changing all the fields related to speed, on the prusa slicer, to a max of 60mm and after 30 hours i got this:

there’s some issues in the outer wall and at the level of the hole there’s a big gap that should not exist i suppose the filament was stuck at the coil(some times stays under each other and gets stuck)
The position of the parts on the picture are like the were printed.

My last reply in this, as it seems it does not seem to land :

So for every new filament, you should do a filament test print. Ideally, it will test overhangs, temperature, AS WELL as flow rate/speed. Unless it is specifically high flow PETG, you should probably start with 8 mm3/s. There is some stuff with the SV08 where it depends on whether you have the grub screw in your nozzle or not. PETG requires a lot more pressure to print than PLA. Without the grub screw (updated nozzle) you could accidentally force the nozzle to fall off by putting the pressure too high - which you control with flow rate most easily. I create a new profile per brand each time, do some simple prints and you can judge by the consistency and experience of what you’re seeing.

You definitely have a good first layer, but not good after that. So, either you need to keep it that hot, or your pressure is exceeding what that PETG is capable of, so it semi-clogs and just can’t come out fast enough. Definitely start trying hotter subsequent layers (like almost equal to first layer temp) and see if that helps. If it does - without changing other settings - then temp was the problem. If it does not, then the PETG probably isn’t capable of that volume/speed. So change max volumetric speed down to 8 and try it again with the recommended hottest for layer 1 and then drop 10 degrees for layer 2+. Every brand PETG is different. There is a wide variety in how they print, and then the age of it and how dry it is will also affect how it prints. Looks like you’re getting close.

Lastly, if you are at your wits end, buy some top quality filament which has a shared profile for best settings. Try Bambu, or Prusa or something. Try that with their recommended settings and see if that helps. Get brand new quality stuff. Don’t buy it from Temu or some crazy site. Don’t use old stuff you’ve had laying around - it can cause havok! If that helps, then you know you need to stick to the good stuff and not risk using questionable, old, or no-name filament just cause its cheap.

I did a test with this values:

and i got this:

this took about 3 hours to complete

May I ask you something?
Have you tried printing the benchy with the Orca settings provided by Sovol?

with that settings i can only have the first layer the other layers are just loose PETG around the bed…next Monday i can try the benchy with set up…

Except that the benchy provided by Sovol in the USB stick is for PLA.

i did that benchy it took around 20 minutes to complete and have less of that very thin filament between parts of the object, i think it’s about retraction

Sovol is very good about their retraction settings, you shouldn’t have to mess with them.
I’d set it back to default…JMO

but for PETG i can not use the same values as for PETG

I admit I don’t own a SV08, but I do own the SV06 ACE, SV06 & SV06 Plus.
I’ve never had to change the retraction settings on any of them.
The only time I have ever changed retraction settings is for my Ender 3 Pro & that’s because it’s not a direct drive.
You can change other settings for calibration like Flow & Pressure or Volumetric Speed; but you shouldn’t have to change the Retraction.