Droppgin coolinghouseing during print and rips off connectors

During a long print the houseing flew off after around 2-3 hours and since it works so fast i has ripped som plastic off and 2 connectors where i need to replace one of them.

any solution to this issue?

Put in a ticket with Sovol explaining what happened & include pictures.



Sovol may (and should !) send a new one but to avoid the issue, that is usualy used :

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in my experience most of the times this is cause by another problem that will cause the printed part to stick out so much it will detach the cover from the extruder during printing.

In my cases it were :

  • the extruder idler gear axle had come out causing under-extrusion and blobs of plastics sticking out
  • the print had come loose from the pei plate
  • the print warped up so much in the edges it hit the cover

I had this happen a few days ago, was kind of amazed that there where no physical stoppers for the axle to travel either way, so I have plans to draw and print a clip-on solution for the handle. No idea when I will get the time, so if anyone else dose it before I get the time, I hope they will share it with the community.

Also considered just taking it out drilling small holes on each side en use screws to stop it from shifting.

there are several solutions already on sharing platforms, there s also a topic here that covers the problem : https://forum.sovol3d.com/t/suddenly-poor-print-quality-on-two-sv08s-solved-with-extruder-idler-gear/5856/20

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then i just need my printer to work :wink:

I wrapped a piece of two-sided loop-and-hook ribbon around it.