Both extruders clog during almost every print

I have been having lots of issues with extruders 1 and 2 clogging mid-print, whether in single mode 1 or 2, dual, or copy modes. The printer keeps attempting to print, but no filament is being extruded. (I use PLA) I have adjusted temps up and down with filaments I have had a good experience with and that have usually been consistent and given me successful prints.

I range the temps from 200-220, and with almost every filament when I pull the filament out, it has a huge glob at the end. I have adjusted the tension knobs on the direct drive with more or less pressure, to see if the gears weren’t getting a good enough grip or if they were grinding too much, and haven’t had great success there either. Each time it stops extruding and I cancel the print, I’m able to clear the clog and get it to easily extrude using the refuel extrusion. But then it just immediately has issues again.

I bought this printer a month ago, so I feel like I shouldn’t need to replace anything. I just don’t know what to try at this point.

You may want to clean both hotends & check the PTFE inserts of both heatbreaks. Sovol’s how-to video tutorial is available here. After the cleaning procedure bed levelling, recalibration of nozzle offsets and adjusting Z-offset have to be done again.


Many of my jobs has problem clogs… all time i need do bed leviling and checking the zoffset… Every print i need check this… when i get a first layer perfect it does not happen…

And i dont know why… but some objects i cant print… I put to print in another printer… and this work perfect… but on this machine WTF. I dont know if it is my machine, my mistake… but i can print in anothers printer perfect…
Its really bored me… all time im having issues…

Last object that i printed… i need replicate and put again to print… its clogs after 8 hours… WTF i was using same filament, temp… all config are equals… and this clogs… so hard to beleave i can use this printer for jobs…


I think i discovery why here everytime clogs…
Mys fans came mount wrong… WTF…

the fans that always turned on when you turn on machine… They came pulling off air from the sink…
when I was watching how to clean I saw the correct position and went check…

I inverted position and put to print a object… around 8hours and still there printing without clogs…

I will print more itens to be sure that was this.

My environment is around 30degrees celcius… so It cant cold the sink and filament deforms causing cloggins…

Check… maybe its happen with your machine.



Yes this was my problem… I printed 4 objects in a row without any issue… Check your mount fan position…

This is need be equals the movie at 3:07s … check there…

Fix for my sv04: tempered Glass on bed, fixed the right side mount fan… now i can print!
