What's Sovol's next printer? Sovol SV05?

What features do you want to see on Sovol’s next printer? Still named as SV05?

I think any new model really needs to separate itself from the older models, perhaps even with a completely different form factor. Aside from minor differences, the current model lineup is more or less the same printer with a few changes here and there. There’s workhorses, IDEX, and larger size, but how about adding something built for speed? Personally, I would like to see either a CoreXY or a Cartesian printer with the bed moving up/down on the Z axis.

Not only would it be something that looks completely different but it would also be more stable, especially at very high print speeds. For example, a well built CoreXY can print at several hundred mm/s. If I tried that on my SV01, the glass bed is going to get thrown across the room.

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Hello, TMc51.
Your idea is great, about the core XY machine, do you have any idea to increase the print speed of it if it is a direct drive 3d printer?

Got it! A good suggestion!

I’m far from an expert, but to my understanding, the easiest ways to increase print speed on most printers would be linear rails and a light weight carriage. The titan style extruder that comes with our printers is inexpensive, reliable and usually very easy to work with, but it is quite heavy. This would probably be the first place to look if the goal is the shed some weight. Extruders like the Sherpa and Orbiter are incredibly lightweight and get rid of the bulky NEMA 17 motor in favor of a geared NEMA 14 pancake motor.

Even without resorting to any fancy features, a core xy or cartesian with the bed on the z axis is capable of higher speeds simply because they don’t have to worry about a heavy bed with a lot of momentum quickly moving back and forth.

Orbiter uses a different motor, smaller than a Nema 14, but because of this quality matters on the motor AFAIK.

Creality has done a couple corexy builds but they aren’t able to take advantage of the benefits as much. The CR30 and the Ender 7 are corexy, but really don’t speed up well due to other design decisions. There’s claims that some of their other printers are, but they are just extrusion framed standard cartesians.

The hard part, now that Prusa is entering into the CoreXY ring it’s really going to be hard to contend in that market. That and the builds and engineering are more complex and costly.

Here’s my advice to everyone at Sovol on this: If you try CoreXY you’ll have to do it right. It strays far from the classic I3 clones, and is not anywhere near as simple. If you’re going to do it, look into how Voron Designs does it right, and how Tronxy does it wrong. On a good note, Voron designs has a bill of materials for their printers, so you can easily get an idea of the cost and complexity involved. Formbot also has done a corexy voron clone, and they don’t have a great reputation for it since it’s just not the same quality.

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I was kicking this around in my head over the last few days.

Something far less in cost of goods sold like the corexy printers are…

Go with a design that either is enclosed out of the box, or is optimized to enclose and use for high temp printing. All metal hotend, bi-metal heatbreak, isolate power supply and board from the hot areas so that airflow in the control area can be separate from the enclosed area. Make sure hotend cooling fan is blowing away from the print area.

Many of us can mod to do this, many just want to print high temp first thing.

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I want to see a model with a fully static bed and a conveyor belt add-on kit. this would allow people to start out doing single print but upgrade to continuous belt printing without having to go to a CR-30 and would allow for 90-degree belt printing instead of tilting the extruder.
I prefer the cubic design with the ability to enclose with acrylic.
I prefer that no part of the machine extend beyond the cube so that they could potentially be stacked.
I normally completely ignore stock spool holders in favor of a heated drybox. But an integrated horizontal spool holder would be pretty awesome especially if it were an integrated drybox and could hold 5kg spools.
I would love to see klipper and octo-print out of the box. I personally have abandoned raspberry pi’s and have switched over to production thin-clients due to the cost of pi’s but I have to admit as soon as you have octoprint on 4x the computing power of a pi you never want to go back.
I prefer direct drive over Bowden. but if an integrated drybox/spool holder is in play then a reverse Bowden would be awesome.
I prefer a spring steel smooth PEI magnetic bed surface.
I like auto bed leveling, but if the bed is static I believe there are workarounds that could eliminate the need entirely.

I don’t mind buying a base model and buying several easily integrated upgrades. some things that I think can be left off a base machine to bring prices down include:
filament runout sensor
extruder upgrades ( bi-metal heatbreak, hardened nozzels, etc.)
the octoprint computer (I know… I want it integrated if I concede that it gets expensive. but if you make a slot that the computer can just mount in plug-and-play, thats a nice compromise. I just hate having an extra pi handing out the front of the machine)
A conveyor belt upgrade kit would be awesome.
An enclosure panels kit.

Overall I really like the SV05, I just purchased 2 of them because they have all of my absolute must-have features and the best dollar to mm/s ratio out of all the machines that currently have all of the must-have features (not a bed slinger, removable magnetic sheet, auto bed leveling were my must-have criteria)
I have the cash and skills to do a Voron, but I am looking for scaleable workhorses that I can buy and put to work the day they are delivered. I think that is Sovol’s niche to a tee. With Sovol you get the machine you wanted with all the most common upgrades already on it right out of the box without having to pay the price of buying the base machine and the upgrades separately.