Third party nozzle for SV06 ACE

According to the description of the replacement nozzles from Sovol, they are compatible with E3D Volcano nozzles. But the dimensions shown in the same description seem a bit different from the E3D nozzles. Is it possible to use E3D Volcano nozzles on the SV06 ACE?

The only nozzle that I’ve seen that are close are the Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus & 4 Max.
But I can’t verify they fit.

Those nozzle do look similar. Doing a little more searching around, it appears from other information on the Sovol web site that the SV06 ACE uses the same nozzles as the SV08. And there are some reports that the Neptune 4 plus/Max nozzles work on the SV08. So perhaps those Neptune nozzles would also work on the SV06 ACE.

This is the first time I’ve heard this. Often long nozzles are mistakenly called Volcano nozzles. The Volcano nozzle is shorter. I find it sad that every manufacturer invents their own nozzle. I prefer 0.5mm nozzles and they are very difficult to find for these printers. Here is the drawing of the Sovol nozzle. It is identical to the SV08 nozzle.

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I’ve currently got a CHT volcano on order, so will update when that arrives later on this week in regards to fitment
Worse case, it’ll go on my modified Ender 3

CHT volcano does seem to fit absolutely fine

Slightly shorter than the standard nozzle, but still looks like there is more than adequate clearance

However, side note, to change the nozzle, make sure you are able to grip the heater, it will spin, tangle and melt your wires if you don’t
Learnt that the hard way!

Very interesting. Did you have to change the flow rate or any other parameters to print well with that nozzle?

Unfortunately, my thermistor wires broke trying to remove the old nozzle, hence my last post saying you need to ensure you hold the heat break whilst trying to remove it.

I’ve ordered a new nozzle and heat break set, so will let you know when they arrive in a few weeks

That might be a good thing. The nozzle being a little shorter sounds like it would leaving a space between the nozzle & the heatbreak…could cause a leak, a clog or heat creep.

Looking at the nozzles, they stick out pretty much the same distance

Old nozzle

New nozzle

You talking about the tip of the nozzle…I thought you were talking about the length of the whole thing.

I also doubt that the nozzle is sitting properly on the heatbreak. Just because the nozzle tip protrudes the same distance doesn’t mean that the nozzle is sitting properly. That would be illogical if the lengths were different.

It seems strange that sovol use their own nozzle for this, but also state the E3D volcano nozzles fit

Hopefully should be able to test in the next week or so, depending on receiving my replacement heater block

New nozzle kit arrived.

Changed the nozzle to the volcano CHT style.
Only thing I’ve noticed so far is that the side brackets on the screws get a lot closer to the clamp at the bottom due to the nozzle tip being a little further in.

Doesn’t cause an issue because of the nozzle probing for z offset.

Have run some filament through it a couple of times and seems to be sealed nicely but will run a full max flow test to see what it’s capable of.

Just a little update:

0.6 CHT nozzle
Elegoo Rapid PLA+
Maxed out at 41mm3/s
Potential to go higher with increased temperatures

Thank you for the update! So the nozzle fit tightly up against the heatbreak before it ran out of threads? And it sounds like it formed a nice seal?

For those of us who aren’t knowledgeable about the many different and confusing terms used to label nozzles, the CHT is just a coating or type of metal, right? The nozzle is shaped/specced as an E3D Volcano nozzle? So any similar E3D Volcano nozzle should also fit properly?

Nozzles fit perfectly fine against the heat break.

CHT is a specific type of nozzle that heats the filament from the middle out.
Effectively has a different centre that splits the filament into 3 parts and then heats from the inside.

They massively increase the flow.

Standard volcano nozzles will definitely fit without any issues.


Standard volcano nozzles will definitely fit without any issues.

Thank you!!! Why this piece of information has been so hard to confirm is beyond me, but you’ve done us all a service!


Very useful information. Thanks!

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Hey @Ouzify, it’s been a couple of weeks since your last update and I wanted to ask you how’s the CHT nozzle performing so far, now that you had time to test it.

As far as I understand, people have tried to use K1 and E3D volcano nozzles on the SV08 (which supposedly is compatible with same nozzles as SV06 ACE). However, K1 lead to filament leaking from places it shouldn’t. The only issue people had with the E3D volcano nozzles seemed to be that they are shorter than the proprietary ones (21 vs 23 mm), forcing the SV08 extruder to come closer to the bed in order to print. That was an issue for SV08 since the extruder has plastic guards around the nozzle which protruded more than the nozzle when using the shorter E3D volcano one. This shouldn’t be a problem for the SV06 ACE since it’s extruder doesn’t have these plastic guards. Is that right?

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