I have a SV03 and when I start the Heating up process after about 30 seconds I get the following error:
Thermistor Error
Cycle power! An issue exists with the bed or nozzle temperature sensor.
Connect to serial monitor if reading is 0condition is open.
If too hightondition is a short around.
I went ahead and cycled the printer several times (I am assuming this means turn it off and on)
Each time I get the same error.
I don’t understand this part “Connect to serial monitor if reading is 0condition is open. If too hightondition is a short around.”
I’m guessing I need to replace the thermistor. What is the name/make/ model of the thermistor I need to purchase and how do I find out whether it is the nozzle or the bed that is the issue?
Thanks for the help.