Thermistor Error After Boot

After finishing a print on the Sovol Sv04 IDEX, I turned off the machine to rest. When turning it on again, I came across the error “Thermistor Error” right at boot time. Between one print and another, nothing was done other than turning the printer off and turning it back on after a while, as I always do, after printing for a longer period of time. An image of the error is attached.

What is the temperature in the room where is located the printer ?
If it’s too cold, this message is normal. It’s why I have placed my printer in a warmed enclosure.

In case of room temperature above 0°C this error screen indicates connection problems between motherboard and both nozzle + hot-bed thermistors. Loosing all three connections at once seems quite unlikely. Checking the connections between power supply and motherboard could help.

Good luck!

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I had this problem with an ambient temperature of about 7-8°C.
After warming the enclosure to more than 20°C, everything was back to normal even if I’m not sure it’s the real problem.