I picked up a none working SV04 from local goodwill to see if i could fix it. The main issue is that it was getting and thermistor error when i first plugged it in and it was missing the hotend for the 2nd side. I was able to get it restarted to get past the error. I am now getting a heating failed error when i try to warm up the 1st hotend.
When i plug the hotend into the 2nd side it works just fine no errors. I also swapped the left and right boards and it still works the same. This leads me believe it is something in the mainboard. Is there anything else to test or should i try to get a new mainboard?
Check the cabling of heater & thermistor at each heat block. There might be missing insulation / short circuits.
Ensure that both nozzles are heating up when 200°C nozzle temperatures are set via menu. In case of missing heat-up use a multimeter iot check if heater voltage is present. In case of voltage present & no heat-up you’ll need to replace the heater module. In case of missing heater voltage: Check cable connection between heater and motherboard. If there is no heater voltage present on motherboard: Motherboard replacement/repair needed.
In case of heat-up before the error shows up run PID-tuning.
In case the error shows up during PID tuning: Check cable connection between thermistor and motherboard. If cabling is ok: Use a multimeter iot to check if there is a significant difference between electrical resistance of the thermistor & thermistor specification chart. In case of huge difference: Replace thermistor. Here you’ll find helpful information about pin layout of motherboard & gantry boards.
I currently only have one hotend seeing as it was missing the 2nd one when i got it. With the hot end plugged into the left side it shows a really high temp right away before i even set a temp while the right shows shows a -15. I assume this is because nothing is plugged in to right side. When i set a temp on the left i get an heating failure after a couple min.
When i switch the left hotend to the right side it still shows a really high temp right away on the left and the right now shows a normal temp instead of the -15. I can then heat the right side up without any failure
A high temperature without any heating on the left side indicates a short circuit of the thermistor /thermistor wiring.
Assuming that you plugged in the one and only hotend at the gantry breakout boards:
Did you check the electrical connection between motherboard and TH connector on the left gantry breakout board? Did you measure the electrical resistance between the pins at the TH connector on the left gantry breakout board?