One of my two SV07 plus’s are layer shifting

My second SV07 plus is having constant layer shift right out of the box and regardless of what I do to resolve it. My other printer works great.

What’s up? Do I need to return it for a new one. I’m a big fanboy for Sovol so I would love a solution. I don’t want to post my review on YouTube until Sovol gives me a hand.

Thank you so much for buying from Sovol, and I apologize for all the inconvenience.
Did you already send an email to If not, please send the above situation with videos and pictures and your order number, and we will check with the engineers asap.

And you are sure you have removed all the foam blocks when you sat up the printer? (As you already have one, you would be familiar with them).

I will do that today but I am in hospital and it might take a bit

Yeah, I went through everything. I even took off and reattached the gantry.i have noticed the print head does not center or print in the center of the build plate. It is about 50mm to far right.

The incorrect position of the print head is a clue.
Does everything else look like it is correct? (Correct position, correct tension and so on)
Also does the X and Y axis move freely when the printer is off? You have the other printer to compare with.

Yeah it all looks good and I have adjusted the z offset to no avail. To be honest neither machine is zeroing the print head on the build surface.

I have also run the accelerometer on both machines for x,z

Is the layer shift always at the same height / layer?

Yes it is the same height and all the other layers are terrible

Does all axes move they way they should? (I know this can be hard to check for the Z axes, but you should try to figure out the answer; if the shift always is at the same layer / height it could be something that makes the Z axes “hang” otr “catch” for a moment).