Greetings all,
This is a brand new machine, less than 6 prints on it. I’m in the process of trying to fine tune everything and I had a question about the v-wheels. Just how tight should they be? For example.
This printer has two Z-axis assemblies with three wheels each. One on the inside, two on the outside. On the left side, I can’t manually turn any of the three wheels even with a lot of effort. On the right side, I can easily turn the inside wheel, I can’t turn the top outside with a lot of effort, I can turn the bottom outside with medium force. To me, that doesn’t seem right?
On the print head. I can’t turn any of the three wheels even with a lot of effort. Is this too tight?
On the bed, there are three on each side. On the left side, the front most I can turn with heavy effort, the middle and backmost I can’t turn even with a lot of effort. On the right side, the front most I can turn with low to medium effort and the middle and backmost I can’t turn even with a lot of effort.
Do these things sound normal? I’ve never had a printer with dual Z, so I’m at a loss, but I thought on my old ender3, I could turn all wheels with heavy effort. Although that has been a while since I dumped it for this printer.