Multiple issues , need assistance

Hello everyone.
I am experiencing 3 separate issues with my Sovol SV08 which is 1 week old.
Please see attached pictures.

  1. It seems to me that heating bed is not level. The back left corner seems to be too high, and front left too low. I have played with 6 screws under the bed to get the level adjusted - no result.
  2. Plastic is not bonding together nicely in some certain areas of the bed. In the centre it’s almost perfect, everywhere else - not so great.
  3. Poor adhesion to the bed especially on the front of the bed.
    P.S. Z Offset leveling and Quad Gantry Leveling was done prior to start, as well as the bed surface has been cleaned with isopropyl alcohol 70% concentration.
    Please let me know how these issues can be addressed and fixes.
    Thank you

I took an SOS pad (steel wool with pumice and cleaner embedded) to my plate which improved adhesion with ABS to the point that I’m having to forcibly remove the prints.
There is a post detailing adding shims to the retaining screws for the bed, but I can’t recall
if it was here on the forum or on reddit.

the screws under the bed are not for leveling, the gantry leveling will correct any leveling issues itself (that’s how these printers work)

The heated bed can be warped a little, but for finding out if that is the case you have to create a heightmap of the bed.
Most adhesion problems I came across were due to a false Z offset (the sensor isn’t great) or a greasy build plate. I de-greased both my build plates using some soapy water and a cloth and they sticked fine after that.I would never use scotchbrite or any other abrasive like a scrubbing pad or steel wool on it.

I also noticed the purge line is on the left side of your build plate, on both my printers this in in the front. What slicer and settings are you using ?