Layer shift after pausing

Hello ive got issues when i pause the printer even for a second when it starts its shifting the layer and prints in the air. I did couple calibrations but didn’t solve the issue also there is really strange noise from the bed when under calibration. Dont know if the issue is because of leveling or firmware. Also it already broke the nozzle brush i dont know if this is something usual or its due to a problem

Did you check this point :

Yeah that it was you can even barely see it … Im uploading a pic so you can guy see where it is I’ve place it on top just for reference its in the middle of the bed plate . Ive removed it will update if all goes well

Still the bed doing noise when is doing the calibration but will seee when printing

Is it okay nozzle to scratch the bed like this also sometimes is missing the nozzle brush (some of the brush pins are missing and i dont event print always doing like this before printing

I’m pretty sure you forgot the foam block

I removed it and still doing like this after calibration and even factory reset

Dont know really what to do…

You’re talking about the block on the back of the printer between the bed and the rails. The one you can’t see?

Yea i took it out, then factory reset and still the nozzle is going there and scratching the bed plate, i don’t know why…

When you have done your factory reset, have you redone the automatic auto calibration?

Yes its completed, but still the bed is doing noise and the nozzle is scratching the bed as i showed on the pic

It can happen.

You should open a ticket at with pics or videos and your order number.
They’ll contact you quickly within a week.

Will do , thank you for your time as well

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