SV06 ACE rough first layer

Moin, as we say here in Northern Germany!
After I solved the foam block problem with my SV06 ACE, there is still one problem left. The first layer is rough. It looks like the nozzle goes through the printed material because it is too low.

Of course, I did an auto-calibration of the printer after the removal of the foam block. I even tried a manual calibration with a sheet of paper. With no effect (Well, it looks like the printer does an auto leveling before each print).

Any ideas?

How is the mesh of your bed ?
Somebody else got a damaged bed

I don’t know, what is good or bad: The current range is 0.206 mm for a small 3x3 mesh (trying currently to print the benchy).
But I printed a 5 cm x 5 cm one layer and it was all that bad.

Can’t you can get the mesh of the whole bed?

The printer will auto level before each print, but only for the size of the print…the first layer.
So, if your print in 3x3, then it will only level about a 4x4 space.

Hallo Süßholzleckerei!

Erstmal viel Spaß mit dem Sovol! Gut, daß er nun druckt. Erster Layer ist so ein Thema, daß man schlecht mit 1-2 Sätzen abhandeln kann. Da der SV06 ACE eine automatische Messung durchführt und das Druckbett sich nicht ausrichten läßt, muß man mit einigen Dingen erstmal so klarkommen. Du kannst nur im Mainsail nachsehen, ob das Druckbett eine starke Verformung besitzt und mit viel Aufwand das durch Unterlagen unter dem Druckbett etwas kompensieren.
Man kann sich aber auch das Leben weniger schwer machen und mit ein paar Einstellungen im Slicer die Probleme in der ersten Schicht etwas umfahren. Der erste Wert ist die Schichtdicke. Mach die erste Schicht nicht zu dünn. Dann gleichen sich Unebenheiten besser aus. Mit 0,4mm Düse kannst Du locker eine 0,2-0,3mm dicke erste Schicht verwenden. Mit etwas breiterer Linie wird die Haftung verbessert. Die Voreinstellungen von Sovol im Orca sind da recht gut. Möglichst mit der Düse nicht durch den gedruckten Bereich fahren.

Maximale Kampferfolge!


Hello licorice treat!

First of all, have fun with the Sovol! It’s good that he’s printing now. The first layer is such a topic that it is difficult to cover it in 1-2 sentences. Since the SV06 ACE carries out an automatic measurement and the print bed cannot be aligned, you have to deal with a few things first. You can only look in the mainsail to see whether the print bed has a strong deformation and, with a lot of effort, compensate for this by placing pads under the print bed.
But you can also make your life less difficult and avoid the problems in the first layer with a few settings in the slicer. The first value is the layer thickness. Don’t make the first layer too thin. Then unevenness will be evened out better. With a 0.4mm nozzle you can easily use a 0.2-0.3mm thick first layer. A slightly wider line improves adhesion. The Sovol presets in the Orca are quite good. If possible, do not move the nozzle through the printed area.

Maximum combat success!

EDIT: Lion


Could you please translate your post in English ?

UPS. I’m sorry. Since the person who asked the question is also from Germany, I didn’t think of it. I didn’t mean that in a bad way.

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Meanwhile I figured out a possible root cause. Due to the foam block issue, the printer scratched my printing bed. As the z calibration is done at this spot, the nozzle is to low in that area.
I tried to print a one sheet layer in another area and it’s much better.
Additionally I will try to increase the 1st layer thickness a little.

Thank you all so far!

The print bed is two sided. Maybe using the other side works?

And you can adjust the homing macro in printer.cfg, you can have it move to a little bit less than the middle, replace the line that says G0 X110 Y110 F3000 to G0 X100 Y100 F3000 to move only 100mm in x/y, instead of 110mm which is the middle.

Maybe that helps?

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