I keep discovering quirks in the sv08 configuration

Description of those, and, if available or known, I’ve put on
this wiki page on github, along with additional observations or solutions on the SV08 configuration page on the same wiki.

As it’s a wiki, user contributions are possible and welcome. It’s my belief that a wiki is more suited for a collaborative effort towards information gathering on specific topics than a forum could ever be.


My post about the macro.cfg might be within the scope of your wiki?

I’ve done it but I’m waiting for approval of @sovol3d

Absolutely. It sounds definitely like an improvement to the original configuration, and I suggest it to put it either under “configuration”, or under a new header “improvements”

Thanks for sharing. But putting it in the wiki, we should test it for a long time

By organizing information in a wiki will testing, and particularily amending, be facilitated.

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