Heat Soak bed cfg files

PLEASE NOTE USING AT THE DEFAULT TEMPERATURE of 85 May have damaged my Inductive probe


Heat Soak the Heat bed to allows for Inductive probe drift, this makes temperature more stable for the inductive probe
Please note this Homes the Nozzle
Please note it takes time for the Heat Bed to heat to the requesed temperature. Therefor the requested time may not be at the full requested temperature all the time requested
Please note the Heat Bed temperature is left at the requested temperature after this
Please note Set a new target temperature for the heated bed and waiting. No other commands can take place.

Other methods: ( not tested), ALSO View :-
Part of: GitHub - Frix-x/klippain: Generic Klipper configuration for 3D printers

Use examples: HEATSOAK_BED TEMPERATURE=45 TIME=7 (7 minutes at 45 degress) , HEATSOAK_BED TEMPERATURE=85 TIME=15 (15 minutes at 85 degress). Klipper only supports the P parameter for milliseconds, not S for seconds.

[gcode_macro HEATSOAK_BED]
description: Heatsoak bed at specified temperature and wait for a specific amount of time in mnutes
{% set TEMPERATURE = params.TEMPERATURE|default(85)|int %} # Heat Bed temperature. Default the requested bed temparture, PETG temperature.
{% set ENTERED_TIME = params.TIME|default(15)|int %} # Duration/wait. This time in Milliseconds. Default 15 Minutes

{% set SOAK_TIME= ENTERED_TIME * 1000 * 60 %} # Make ENTERED_TIME in mumutes convert into milliseconds. Klipper only supports the P parameter for milliseconds, not S for seconds.

# Message
M117 Soak {TEMPERATURE}d/{ENTERED_TIME} mins   # Degrees / time in minutes. Message does not scroll

G28 # Home, to place inductive probe more near the center and close to the Heat Bed

M140 S{TEMPERATURE}  # Set a new target temperature for the heated bed and waiting. No other commands can take place.

G4 P{SOAK_TIME} # Soak Heat Bed for this time. Klipper only supports the P parameter for milliseconds, not S for seconds.

M190 S0 # Turn Heat Bed temperature off, wait because diffrent temperature may be required. This may take some time for the Heat Bed to cool down

BEEP # Signifie finished heat soaking the Heat bed  

# Message Clear Saok message

EDIT: No Reason For Big Text Lion