Getting Error Message

I am getting a “!! Move out of range: 247.673 142.389 0.240 [59.341]” message when trying to print a certain file.
X = 192mm
Y = 192mm
Z = 2mm

I have done a “Reset to Factory” and then a full calibration but I still get the error.

Usually just a restart fixes this problem.
Other times the model has to e scaled down a little because it’s too big…
can you post a picture of the model after slicing in the slicer…??

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I tried restarting and got the same. I noticed that when I print smaller objects, they do not print in the center. Could this be the cause? According to the specs, it should print up to 220mm on the X and Y axis.
I hope this is what you are asking for. This is my first 3D printer, so a newbie here…

I do not know if this makes a difference, but I am using the settings for the SV06 Plus as I do not see one for the ACE.

I just saw that in your screenshot…yes it makes a difference as the Plus is bigger.

Read this:

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I looked at that before, but it is for Windows 10/11 and I am on Windows 7. I do not have the same folders and can’t figure out where things should go…

I really appreciate all your help so far.

This step here will open the folder where the files go.

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I did open that and look there but some things just aren’t matching up. I don’t have any more time to mess with it right now, but you letting me know the Plus version is bigger fixed the problem for now. I reset OrcaSlicer to use the regular SV06 and it is printing the file right now. I will try to get it set up for the ACE when I have more time.

Thank You soo much for all your help and quick responses.