Firmware Problem, not starting up

So I’ve been trying to use the new Bjoern firmware and at first neither the main board nor screen firmware were accepted. I thought I was doing something wrong, and wasn’t sure what order these were meant to be done in, and I only have one microsd card that works with the printer. So, I tried putting the 8gb card with the mainboard firmware in the mainboard slot, and the 128gb ‘unacceptable’ sd card with the touchscreen firmware in the touchscreen slot. Mistake. Neither took anyway, and when I next tried to boot the printer it was stuck in the initial loading screen with no progress.

I did manage to later get a previous version of the screen firmware working (v1.1.B3.12S), but no version of the intended matching mainboard firmware is working, and the printer itself is simply not working anymore.

How can I proceed with troubleshooting this problem?

ETA: The card I am using to try to flash new firmware has worked on the printer before, I also tried a previously mentioned suggestion to rename the firmware file to any other name and try, this also did not work.

You may want to try reformatting that card as described here or try an other card [2 - 8 GB].

SV04 firmware & touchscreen software need to match. These are working combinations of my recent versions. I run the newest one on my SV04.
SV04-IDEX-3D-Printer-Marlin-firmware-v1.14.2 & SV04 Touchscreen v1.14
SV04-IDEX-3D-Printer-Marlin-firmware-v1.14 & SV04 Touchscreen v1.14
SV04-IDEX-3D-Printer-Marlin-firmware-v1.1.B3.12S “SIZZLING VERSION” & SV04-Touchscreen-v1.1.B3.12S
SV04-IDEX-3D-Printer-Marlin-firmware-v1.1.B3.12 & SV04-Touchscreen-v1.1.B3.6

Good luck

The SD card is not the problem, the card has worked. eta to be sure what Im trying to communicate actually is read, yes, it has been formatted, yes with the previously mentioned method. Ive only tried to flash matching releases of firmware. Eg, my screen shows v.1.1.B3.12S and I am trying to flash the v1.13s because its closest in release date and should work with it, and yes I have also tried the v1.1.B3.12s noted in the screen firmware description. None of the 1.14 releases worked. These are not the issues.

Ive already read the other solutions and tried them and seen multiple unresolved open topics. How else can I troubleshoot this problem.

OK, got it. (2,7 MB)
The enclosed zip-file contains my development touchscreen software DWIN set for v1.13s. Let me know if you need the raw data files, too.

Ok, I flashed the v1.13s as you put above, the screen indicated a success, but when i try to flash the main board firmware the screen says it is v1.1.B3.12s and is stuck on first screen no progress.
Attached is screen on completion

The display software previously enclosed was a development version, not a release one. It had several changes, e.g. getting rid of hardcoded version numbers…

Generally, I try to avoid maintaining several software versions, so I would like to concentrate on getting v1.14.x working on your SV04. It would be helpful if you could be more specific in describing the problems that arise during the installation process of display software v1.14 (such a screen image would be great) + firmware v1.14.2 & what happens after the first power-on after having both installed.

I think you misunderstand part of the problem too, there is no such thing as after they are installed. They will not install and the printer will not function beyond the logo screen.

After your last message, I reformatted card, put the mainboard firmware on, and tried to flash it, there was no response. Then, I put the touchscreen files on the card and tried to flash the screen firmware. Attached is response, all zeroes, indicating failure.

Yep, it seems I still don’t get it to understand…
The last image shows a display update that did not work. Which display software version did you try to install? And which firmware version is current installed on your SV04?

I tried to install as you last suggested, the 1.14 and 1.14.2. The result is no meaningful change. The screen i posted is the only evidence.

I dont know what firmware version is currently installed, there is no way to check, because it does not start up. The last confirmed version was stock 1.1.0.

ETA: I downloaded the last sovol official firmware for both motherboard and touchscreen. The touchscreen worked, see the image. The main board firmware does not, and it is still always stuck at logo screen without movement.

OK. Your display can be updated. What is shown on your display when you start the SV04?

PS: One step back to the firmware installation:
Which kind of SDcard did you use to update the motherboard firmware?
Did you follow the instructions located here?
Has the “firmware.bin” file been renamed to “firmware.CUR” after installation?

The display only seems to update with some firmware but not others. So far the only successes have been with sovols own 1.1.0 and your v1.1.B3.12s. Right now this is the screen on startup. It can sit like this for hours, it will do nothing.

I am using an 8gb microsd card from sovol themselves, that came with a sv01 pro, for both the main board and the screen. Yes I followed those instructions. No, it has never updated to .cur, it always appears as .bin after the attempts.

A successful firmware installation will always result in renaming the "firmware.bin” file to “firmware.CUR”

Just to be sure:
Display software updates are installed via the MicroSD-slot on your DGUS display (I’m sure you did that succesfully).
Firmware updates are installed by putting a SDcard with a “firmware.bin” file on the root directory in the main front SDcard-slot located on the bottom of your SV04. (I’m not so sure about that because the same SDcard won’t fit here + missing .CUR file)

You may want to:

  • ensure that the SDcard is not write protected
  • check that the main SDcard slot on your SV04 is free from dirt or filament pieces (e.g. by using pressure air and/or a flashlight & flashlight magnifying glass)
  • try an other SDcard adapter (in case you have been using the same MicroSD-card)
  • try an other SDcard formatted according to Sovol’s documentation

I have used this same sd card to load my gcode files to print on this machine previously so there is no problem with the card or adapter as far as physical interruptions go. Right now the problem is that the printer it will not start up at all.

I recently also got the original full size sd card that came from sovol with the sv04, I will try that next

The fullsize original sd card has worked to update the mainboard firmware to 1.14.2. For anyone following also having problems, it may be that an sd card that works for regular printer operation, which is also not every sd card, of those only some will work for firmware updates.

The touchscreen firmware update process however has failed, all zeroes on the right of end screen.ETA: now all screen updates have failed, I tried in order: 1.14, 1.13s, 1.1.B3.12S, all have failed.

Maybe it is time for reformatting or getting a new working MicroSD-card…

Ive been formatting as I go and this one is actually a different microsd card, Ive used four so far and two have been able to communicate, but failed updates.

I have tried three more now, two out of three read the file but fail firmware. So for the record, that is out of seven cards, four seem to read, all fail to actually update the firmware of the touchscreen.

What I want to know is has anyone actually managed to flash firmware by switching the card they were using, when the problem isnt that it is not accepting the card, but that the update is attempted but failed.

ETA: Oh I got another one to work by redoing the partitions, it was a used card. Reads but fails! All zeroes on the screen.

ETA2: I found a brand new way for it to not work, if your microsd card is not bein accepted at all by the touchscreen, you can use disk management to delete the existing partition, create a new simple volume and put 7578 as the size, format in FAT32 with 4096 allocation unit size, and the bigger microSD cards can be used to try to flash firmware. Mine is still showing all zeroes, but it didn’t sit at a blank screen like when the microsd card doesnt work at all.

Chapter 5 of this display manufacturer documentation describes the way to create a working MicroSD-card for a display software update.
If this is not working on your PC then using a Linux Live Distro might help to get your card formatted properly.

Ok I got it to take the firmware. Complete read for anyone looking for solution to similar problem:

So, once it was not booting (stuck on logo screen not loading) I had to flash the stock firmware to get it going again, here: SV04 | Sovol 3D Printer Wiki . Made sure the printer worked, (edit: by make sure it worked, I mean set it up and ran many prints on it. Smooth sailing.) then formatted a fullsize sd card and flashed the 1.14.2 firmware, Release SV04-IDEX-3D-Printer-Marlin-firmware-v1.14.2 · Bjoern70/SV04-IDEX-3D-Printer-Mainboard-Source-code · GitHub , made sure the file on the sd card ended in .cur.

After that was confirmed, using a 128gb microsd card I used disk management to create a new simple volume 7578, then followed those manufacturer directions: Go to start> run >cmd Type in command: format/q g:/ fs:fat32/ a:409 6 (Note: q is followed by a space, g is drive letter of the card, substitute your own). Hit enter through prompts. All cards up to 128gb xc1 have worked for me reliably now with this method, though the manufacturer cautions that above 16gb capacity those cards might not work. I did have to go through all these steps twice, the first time the screen showed that the firmware had taken, but when I power cycled the printer it did not show the expected menu items, and the preheat options still showed pla/abs.

If something isnt working, redoing the partition and the command formatting steps seems to work, don’t know why, just repeat it a few times and see what happens.

If both updates worked, both version numbers will appear on the printer info screen. If only one appears, you’re missing something. If something goes wrong, partition/format, put the stock firmware onto the full size card and flash it, and after confirming the file changed to .cur, partition/format the microsd card and use the stock dwin from the wiki above, make sure it’s not all zeroes on the blue screen, and the menu options and version numbers in the printer info make sense. If anything seems wrong, start from scratch, formatting/flashing main, confirming, then formatting/flashing screen, and confirming.

eta details on topic

@Bjoern , thank you for your help, its uncommon someone supports a firmware file to this degree. If you have a donation page where I can buy you a coffee or send beer money, send it my way. I really appreciate your time and effort, thank you.

Hi Vbot,
thanks a lot for your feed-back. There is no donation page - getting feed-back is totally sufficient for me.
The filament change issues you mentioned before might be caused by your filament runout-sensors: Ensure that there is a piece of filament in each sensor or disconnect the plugs to the sensors - both ways should work.