Cant get WiFi working?

Sorry I just cant get the WiFi working on the Sv08?? If their is anyone about that could advise me I would be eternally grateful.

Thank you so much for buying from Sovol, and I apologize for all the inconvenience. Did you already send an email to If not, please send the above situation with videos and pictures and your order number, and we will check with the engineers asap.

Hi, and thank you for contacting me. I reinstalled the sub stick that came with the printer in my pc, I said that I would double check how I edited the Config file. Well I found that I had followed the instructions ok. I said that I would install the USB drive in the printer one last time, This time I waited for 9 minutes and Walla it worked I was so suppressed as the instructions said to water for about 15 to 20 seconds? Well the confusion is over now and the WIFI is working.
Thank you sir.

Change wifi in SSH

ssh sovol@ip-adres
login: sovol
password: sovol
edit a wifi connection used Add
ip a

nmcli r wifi on
nmcli d wifi list
nmcli d wifi connect ‘name wifi’ password ‘password’
ip a

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So tips that may help:-

Full Format a USB drive to FAT 32

edit the wifi.cfg file enter your Router SSID and password, do NOT use quote marks as you would with Marlin

Save the file wifi.cfg as a text type to the root of the USB drive, ONLY THIS file should be on the USB drive

Switch on the SV08 3D printer and wait for the Ready message, i.e. wait for it to fully boot.

Then plug in the USB drive, after a few seconds on the SV08 display select:-

Advanced, then select Show IP, this should, after a short delay, display the WiFi address you need.

Good luck

I had working wifi, until it suddenly stopped working. After looking for possible issues it seems that the printer has problems connecting to the network when it is a combined 2.4GHz and 5 GHz network with the same network name.
I created a separate network on the 2.4 GHz network, after that the printer has been working fine again.


Good news, 2.4Ghz fix :slight_smile:

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