Wifi stopped working


I am experiencing a problem with the Wi-Fi on my SV08. It has been functioning well for a few months, but it suddenly stopped connecting to the Wi-Fi network.

To troubleshoot, I connected a temporary Ethernet cable and attempted to resolve the issue via SSH using the following commands:
nmcli r wifi on
nmcli d wifi list
nmcli d wifi connect ‘name_of_wifi’ password ‘your_password’

However, when I run nmcli d wifi list, no networks are displayed.

I opened the device to check the connections to the Wi-Fi antenna, and they appear to be intact. I have read that there can be issues with 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks, but since I am not the only one using the Wi-Fi, I cannot make changes to the network settings at this time.

Given that the Wi-Fi was working previously, do you have any suggestions for resolving this issue?

Thank you for your assistance!

Try This:

Sovol Wiki - Unable to connect to WIFI

Sovol Wiki - Connecting SV08 to WiFi

I had the same issue and I worked around it by using a TP-Link USB Wi-Fi adapter that I had sitting around in a parts drawer. It works great but it can’t co-exist with the HDMI screen. I forget the exact error but it translated to “Your board is too underpowered to use both devices, dummy”. I read somewhere that going mainline Klipper made the on-board Wi-Fi start working and I’ll eventually get around to doing that but for now I would rather have working Wi-Fi than a pretty screen.

I had the same and found out the onboard adapter sees both the 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies but only supports 2.4 GHz. When having a network with the same name on both 2.4 and 5 GHz it may confuse the software somehow and it will try to connect to the 5 GHz network even though it cannot. Once I created a separate network that was only running on 2.4 GHz it started working again for me.

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