Blocked extruder

The extruder is blocking as if something was stuck on one of the gears. I checked by disassembling but everything seems ok… however, once tightened, after a few turns of the wheel, it blocks again (although it seems to always be in the same place). I had the bug with the PETG that exploded my nozzle (the after-sales service replaced the nozzle and the bed) but I hope that it did not also distort the extruder screw thread.

When printing, I am under-extruding in a non-linear way. I can see it from the purge line: the line is discontinuous. Without any filament, and machine unpluged, if i turn the well, there are some difficults points (non linear).

Any ideas to help me? Have you observed this kind of thing?

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Sounds like the gear may be misaligned…but this is just a guess as I don’t own an SV08.
But with any other printer, I would think the same.
Misalignment, broken tooth, cracked gear, bad bearing…if it has one.

Contact Sovol again & explain your issue.

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Thx, I will keep you informed about the answer of Sovol. But two trouble with the printer from end of July… :thinking:
Ok I am printing a lot and in PETG but I am losing confident with the head. This printer is very good when all working but theses trouble look like undersized head. I slow down the flow to 12mm3 and I can slow down again if it’s better but I hope that Sovol can identify the issue and fixing it. With other printer (ender 3 v1), I had issues related to the bed adjustments, but the head was very reliable.

The answer of Sovol :

  1. Check the gears in the extruder. Please tighten the small screws of the gears. When the stepper motor rotates, the gears must rotate with it. Use a brush to clean the fine filaments on the gears.

  2. Observe the tooth marks on the filaments to ensure that the tooth marks are uniform. If deformation or uneven extrusion occurs, please adjust the hand-tightening nut to control the tightness of the extruder.

  3. Check the small bearings in the extruder gears and the gears of the planetary extruder, clean and apply grease. If the bearings are worn, please provide detailed pictures and contact us for replacement.

  4. Check the nozzle. If the nozzle diameter becomes larger (leveling is too low to cause wear) or burrs appear on the edge of the nozzle, it will also cause a printing effect similar to insufficient extrusion.

I hope that i am allowed to share it but i trust that can help others. On my case, the trouble was with broken tooth on internal small gear (like you said @Lion ). I trust that was related with my first trouble with PETG. I did not saw it if was not unmonted all and clean the grease, that is very small.

Glad you found the issue. From Sovol’s reply, it looks like they will send you the parts.

I just received my new gears (that is just simple plastic gear : you can print them by yourself but that the definition is better with original one). After a while (and many successul prints) all work fine again. I think that should be checked with attention because that was not an “all or nothing” : when the defect started, that was just with some filaments, with some volumetric speed, some temperature… That is very resilent part (because of the obital mechanism)… but the counterpart is that can still work even if it’s broken in one tooth (but with less precision… sometime).

Thx for your support @Lion and thx to Sovol after sales to sent me 3 new gears for free quickly.

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Happy you got things all worked out.

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I finally received my new plastic ‘gears’ along with new filament gears but the device that holds the three plastic gears will not disassemble, I can remove the allen screws but the metal gear will not budge, no means to put the new gear on. I purchased a new tool head while waiting, it works once I found out not to follow Sovols video on clearing a plug: When I stick the metal rod down the extruder to force out the hot filament as I withdraw the metal rod it would leave hot filament on the extruder gears … I just remove the hotend, heat it up and clear it with the metal rod saves a lot of time not having to disassemble the extruder which means disassembling the toolhead to get to the gears. The latest nozzles just arrived, I tried the ‘hardened’ copper nozzles but had to turn the temperature up to get them to work, still working that but the new nozzles with set screws arrived. .

Question for Sovol is which side goes against the metal gear holder, the new plastic gears has bearing that you remove from the old gears and press into the new gears but does the bearing go down or up on the shaft? I have three toolheads, the original broken one, one I ordered from Sovol and one I found local, the new ‘local’ toolhead bind up lightly while turning the extruder wheel every second revolution but my original toolhead with the new gears, bearing side down against the gear holder and the new tool head from Sovol (shroud is different too) does not bind up at all.

I am not sure to understand everything (maybe with shorter sentences ? :grin:).

For the pastic gear, yes you have to remove the metal roller inside the old gear and use it in the new one. For my part, I simply cleaned it well then pushed with a small pair of pliers in the center of the wheel (gently but with conviction).

About the planetary gear, that is true : you have to find the right placement for the gear, and after for the axis. I just placed them (again, patiently, take your time) and then I didn’t tighten the screws. I turned the axis multiple time in both side, then I tightened one screw, then another, then loosened, then tightened … until all perfectly fit. That is long but it’s very important that axis turn well without too many friction.

After all, i did multiple calibration test with multiple speeds to be sure all fit perfectly. I can not be sure of that but in my opinion, that is a new mount (with a recent motor) so the rotation distance should perfectly match with preset. The first time i had a missmatch, so i unmounted and mounted again and after all was good.

If you want, i can share some pictures. Just let’s me know what do you need exactly.


Can you elaborate on the initial experience? I print with TPU and suddenly can’t get decent results so trying to determine if this is the reason for sudden chronic under extrusion

I extruded the same distance several times but not the same length of filament removed.

The most common case for this issue is not mine but this one : SV08 Extruder fix by Valerie Moore | Download free STL model | (if you did not do that already, do it first)