Quick extruder wheel question ... does this look normal?

My extruder is now not feeding filament out. I can push filament through so there’s no clog. I’ve adjusted the extruder tension knob (counter clockwise makes the spring tighter) to as tight as it can be. If I manually push the extruder lever tighter, the filament does feed (I think … I’ve messed with it so much I can’t remember works and what doesn’t as nothing is that consistent).

I’ve taken apart the hot end and cleaned out the extruder gears. Now that I’m running out of ideas, I’m hoping that anyone who has an SV01 Pro can look at my picture in the link below and let me know if the big black gear looks normal. It’s sitting at an angle due to the pressure of the spring on the gear. I don’t think it’s an issue but just want confirmation that the big gear looks OK as is. Thanks!

Yes, it does make a difference…those gears are misaligned.
Take it apart again & make sure nothing it broken & try to set them right.

I don’t think you have to screw the extruder knob as hard as you can.
Have you send an email to Sovol at info@sovol3d.com
If not, do it with pics and your order number.
They’ll surely help you.

OK, I have an email out to Sovol with pictures. Hopefully they can’t point me to what I’m doing wrong with my head re-assembly.


I just had this problem with my SV04 which has 2 extruders. I had sovol customer service helping but I eventually after much frustration found the issue on my own.

I was sent a new motherboard because my bed heating in the motherboard registered 0 degrees. I installed the new motherboard exactly to that of the old one. Making sure every single plug was carefully pulled, then then plugged into the new motherboard one by one. The motherboard is unrelated other than my issue started AFTER I replaced the motherboard.

Started with the firmware to be flashed. Everything look good and I started to print. First print I noticed the black gear stuttering…moving about 1mm in both directions very fast then it wasn’t stuttering, it was printing/extruding perfectly. At the exact same spot for layer 2 and 3 and so on, the stuttering would start then stop, and continue printing.
Starting a new print it would do it in a totally different place on the bed, 2, 3, even 4 times in 1 print.

I could push the wheel manually, and it would move, but that was it. The filament would extrude if I manually turned the wheel.

As time went by, as in a couple of weeks, it got so bad, that it stopped extruding filament altogether and would just do that stuttering movement BUT, it made all the gcode moves.

Customer service told me to swap the Extruder wires in the motherboard board. That did not resolve the issue. It made the left one move but the 2nd extruder stayed put and the black wheel/gear moved on extruder 2 without moving on x or y.

Finally, I took everything apart pertaining to both extruders, which by the way Sovol thinking it was a defective extruder, sent me a new extruder, and that one had the same issue.

The fix: I swapped the stepper motor cables completely. Taking the cable from behind the gantry, on the pcb where the ribbon cables reside and from the other end on the steppermotor.

Issue fixed for extruder 1 but now as expected, extruder 2 has the issue. Which tells me I have a faulty stepper motor cable wire. I will be getting a new cable wires from Sovol since I’m still under warranty or I might just order one from Amazon.

I hope this helps. I scoured the internet looking for help. None was found. So I hope this helps you and anyone experiencing this frustrating issue.

This gear shaft is loose and wobbly and I can’t figure out any way to stabilize it when reassembling the print head. A user on reddit mentioned that he/she saw this issue and it was due to bad bearings that this gear shaft is attached to. Replacing the bearing fixed his/her issue. This seems like the root cause of my problems so now I’m waiting for guidance on what I need to do to access this bearing.

Edit: looks like I’m missing a bearing on the cover plate that attaches to the right end of this shaft.

In my opinion, it would be better to replace the gear assembly. Problem is, I can’t find one…all I found were complete hotends.
Since Sovol doesn’t sell this printer anymore, you should open a ticket & see what they suggest.


Just wanted to follow-up that all is well with my SV01 Pro printer. It made no sense that I couldn’t find the missing bearing anywhere around my printer. Then I remembered that I vacuumed a few days ago and heard a metal clunk (picked up some random metal piece) that I ignored. So I went digging through my vacuum cannister and found the missing bearing so my printer is functional again. I appreciate everyone here who chimed in with advice and feedback!