Apologies if this is the hundredth time you’re reading a similar post like this. I know things change over time, so I’m just making sure I get the most up to date info. Thank you for your patience.
We originally purchased the SV06+ with the standard Marlin screen. We just ordered the Klipper screen for the SV06 Plus, direct from Sovol.
The following video shows how to change over the hardware. It mentions having to put the SV06 firmware.bin from the USB flashdrive onto a TF card, and then insert into the onboard TF reader before powering up the printer.
Does the Klipper ship with a USB drive that will have the SV06 Plus firmware.bin on it?
Will we for sure have to do the firmware.bin step, or will the Klipper screen just be ready to plug and play after following the hardware install?
I’ve read that if you get the wrong firmware.bin file I.e. SV06 instead of the Plus version, then you have to go into the printer.cfg file and update something. Can anyone link a “how to” if this ends up being the case. Or just how to check if we had the right firmware.bin installed. We’re pretty new with this, so a good step by step like the video below would be great.