It will be possible to install Klipper on this printer ? I didn’t count anything about that over Internet…
It will be possible to install Klipper on this printer ? I didn’t count anything about that over Internet…
Hi @Oli_vier It seems possible to install Klipper on SV06 Plus. And you shall configure the relevant parameter for your specific usage.
Wonder if there’s a reference Klipper config file to download for sv06 plus?
This branch is completely untested, though considering that the mother board is the same, and likely the hotend PCB, this config should work without issue. Fully tested!
NOTE The stock screen on PLUS is not klipper friendly, will not work with klipper. It’s possible to get it working actually, but will require work. Will include on my repo eventually.
I’m happy to help anyone get this going on their PLUS if they encounter issues. Please read the documentation fully before starting. I’m not on here much, but keep a close eye on my github repo.
@sovol3d when can we expect the firmware for SV06Plus to be added to the downloads page in case we want to switch back from Klipper or have any issues?
Hi, maybe this will be interesting for you - take a look :
(40) Installing Klipper On A Sovol SV06 Plus After Unboxing - What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | Livestream - YouTube
I saw that video but there is no real useful informations in it
I will have a look in the github
I should have my printer soin ( it was sent there 10 dats, should be here soin).
Please check the repo of bassamantor, there is Marlin FW with the misc folder.
Easy install on SV06 Plus. SV06 Plus sonic pad configuration! - YouTube
Did you use this guys file ? It does not work for me !