On the second layer printing there are ripples in the surface visible in the picture. If you hold it up to the light there are gaps in those locations. Starting at 1:00 and much more between 3:00 and 5:00.
SV06 200 noz 60 bed pla
Recent error caused complete re-leveling of the machine and a change to a better grade pla
I have no idea what is causing this
Any Help Appreciated.
I have seen this and like you went to the logical culprits, leveling and filament. What fixed the problem for me was adjusting z offset slightly further away from the bed. Hope this helps.
Well its now printing much better. I adjusted the Z up and down which was a big part of it. But also reset Cura to defaults (Draft) and reset everything else.
Thanks for your advice.
The battle maybe own but the war goes on…