SV08 Z inductive sensor replacement

Hello everyone,

since there are problems with the z-sensor, I have decided to install a higher quality inductive sensor.

It was supposed to be the Panasonic GX-H12B, but unfortunately it is not so easy to get hold of in Germany, so I chose the GX-F12B.

It is now installed, but the printer does not respond to the sensor.

Function has been checked, but I noticed that the original sensor has a resistance of 10k Ohm between the + and the switch contact and the Panasonic

approx. 180m Ohm, what else I noticed is why is there approx. 16.8V on pin 24V and PB6 (nothing connected)?

Panasonic connected 16.8V

SV08 sensor connected 14V

what could be the reason for this?

Can the sensitivity of the sensors be adjusted or can the whole thing be fixed with a resistor or z-diode?

Best wishes


… …

Hello. You can send an e-mail to The technician will help you

that was the answer from support. :roll_eyes:

“Sorry, this involves third-party modifications and is beyond the scope of our services. You may want to consult someone with electronics experience.”

Be sure to check the wiring. The colors don’t necessarily match between different types and brands.
Also these sensors may work inverted from the sovol sensor, so you might have to adjust the printer.cfg for this.

Wiring is checked, and the colors are matching.
its also a NPN NC sensor with 4mm switch distance.


wiring i checked and the colors are matching and its also a 24V NPN NC Induktive Sensor with 4mm switch distance.