SV08 64bit controller pin-out

I’ve been trying to find what each connector on the controller does and the pin mapping as in FAN2 = PA3 stuff. Has anyone at Sovol released this information?

It’s in the SV08 repo in github:

SV08/Motherboard/MCU_PIN_definition.pdf at main · Sovol3d/SV08 (

I found three PDF files but none of them show the actual mapping as in:

If you look at the way BTT maps their controller boards along side of each connector it shows which pin is what, easy to follow., hard to screw up.

I just want to know the mapping for the XYZ stop pins and what voltage they are using on any connector (+5 or +24), I can always break out my Fluke voltmeter but it would be nice if they provided a detailed pin map.

I just added a USB A to USB C cable to the USBX2 where the camera is plugged into(after I removed the heat glue gunk), I need another MCU added to control a chamber heater and a CPAP exhaust fan, another new cable routed to replace the filament sensor cable with 4 wires instead of three allowing me to use the BTT SFS V2.0 since Klipper now supports filament pulse detection. .

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Does not show which pin is which value of all ports

e.g. Filament Detraction PE9; Danger to assume, Blue smoke, could maybe try a multi meter but tat is a big job just to find which pin is +5v which one is the signal and which is ground

The other problem with using an Voltmeter is pull-up resistors, with a pull-up resistor a pin shows what ever voltage that is applied to the pull-up…

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It is now 12/5/2024, 5 months since my request for pin information:

P2:FAN3 shows K_FAN3:PB0 K_FAN2_FG:PB3

The connector on the left side below the extruder connector in Sovols image shows as
P1:FAN4 K_FAN3:PB0 K_FAN2_FG:PB3 on the PCB it says P1:FAN4 - If this was the same signals as P2 then plugging the fan into P1 instead of P2 the fan should still turn on, it does not.
After 5 months “SOVOL” has yet to OPEN SOURCE the information or to put it another way, you have miss-labeled the P4 connector and refuse to correct it. I ask earlier to be put on the list to purchase the new SV08 MINI, Please remove my name, I’ll go shopping for a manufacture that responses to failures by fixing things without the customers having to beg for months. NOTE: P1:FAN4 is where the factory has the front cover fan plugged into, remove the front cover, unplug P1.
The issue is what CPU pins does P2 FAN3 use?

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in printer.cfg this is defined, maybe that helps ? :

[fan_generic fan0] # back model cooling fan
pin: extra_mcu:PA7
max_power: 1.0

[fan_generic fan1] # front model cooling fan
pin: extra_mcu:PB1
max_power: 1.0

[fan_generic fan3] # exhaust fan
pin: PA2
max_power: 1.0

[heater_fan hotend_fan]      
pin: extra_mcu:PA6   
max_power: 1.0               
kick_start_time: 0.5         
heater: extruder             
heater_temp: 45              
tachometer_ppr: 1
tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0013

    # EXP1 header
    EXP1_1=PA8,   EXP1_2=PC9,
    EXP1_3=PA10,  EXP1_4=PA9,
    EXP1_5=PC11,  EXP1_6=PC10,
    EXP1_7=PD8,   EXP1_8=PC12,
    EXP1_9=<GND>, EXP1_10=<5V>,

    # EXP2 header
    EXP2_1=PB14,  EXP2_2=PB13,
    EXP2_3=PC7,   EXP2_4=PB12,
    EXP2_5=PC6,   EXP2_6=PB15,
    EXP2_7=PC8,   EXP2_8=<RST>,
    EXP2_9=<GND>, EXP2_10=<5V>