Hello, I’ve had my SV04 printer for about 4 months now, which printed perfectly all this time, however it suddenly started doing something very weird. It now reads any Z axis changes in the G-codes in reverse, meaning a line telling it to move up will make it move down (such as Z hopping on retract will make it move down to hop). This behavior just suddenly happened half way through a print, a print that was started fine.
If I tell it manually to move up, it does. When it auto-levels the bed, it will move as expected, up a tad then down to probe. It’s only when it is actually printing from a file that it reverses the Z axis.The X and Y axis both move as normal, so it’s only the Z. It’s also not due to a change in slicer, as Gcode files I’ve printed before now won’t work.
I’ve tried reflashing the firmware, I tried adding M92 Z400 to the start Gcode, but nothing fixes this problem. Has anyone experienced this, or even heard of it? I’ve been printing for about 4 years now and this is the first I’ve even heard of one axis working perfectly fine except when it’s reading instructions.
I did reflash it, multiple times. I even renamed the machine in the firmware just to be sure the flashing went through. I also tried flashing the unmodified firmware you linked.
yes I checked my spam folder, I’ve also used the search to see if it’s in any other location. The last email was them asking me for my order number, which I replied with.
Could you look for this email amazonus@sovol3d.com? If you cannot find it, could you please send the info to this email one more time?
Sorry that this causes you trouble.
I also have the latest firmware v1.1.0 and I’ve encountered a similar issue but where the Y axis moves in the wrong direction at the end of the print. The G-code clearly indicates the bed should move to the front:
G1 Y302 ; Present print
But instead moves to the back.
In the Move screen, if I enter Y position 302, the bed indeed moves to the front as expected.
The only other similar occurrence of this that I could find was this post on StackExchange: