SV04 dual printing and calibration problems

Hi everyone,

I recently purchased an SV04 printer.I have assembled it, completed x gantry calibration, 5 point extruder to bed calibration for both extruders, tramming, 16 point bed levelling, z offset, PID tuning for both extruders and bed. I have run some dual print calibrations tests like the ‘combs’ and ‘inset tiles’ that came with it and adjusted the xy offsets between them accordingly. I have Bjoern’s 1.14 firmware installed along with thecorresponding 1.14 touchscreen firmware. I have also installed octoprint and I can print and observe remotely. I can print on each extuder well, I am having problems when I am dual printing, the prints dont come out well or don’t finish. I have checked other posts on this forum before posting here.

While trying to print the 2 color frog, about 30% into the print, the second extruder bumps into one of the front legs of the frog and causes it to break off the print as shown in the attached picture (I’ve tried printing it twice, same problem). I’ve attached both my cura .3mf file with settings, the g code that it sliced from this and a picture showing the broken piece to get an idea of when it failed during the print. What might be causing this ?

If you check my files, you will see my default settings imported in the default cura slicer from the cura slicer 1.7. I have also enabled the ooze shield as I was getting some blobs and zits on earlier prints. Any tips on this would be kindly appreciated!

gcode file
3mf file with cura settings
tree frog dual color print fail pic

Hi apok88,
judging by your picture there is much room left for calibration with your SV04…
Here you’ll find some useful hints how to calibrate your printer & get correct settings for the filament types your are using.
Using Prusa-Slicer solely I won’t comment your Cura settings, but the picture indicates a poor first layer adhesion & a lack of filament flow. This might be a result of the quite low temperatures 195°C / 60°C for the filaments that came with the SV04 - on my SV04 I use temperatures of 205°C/65°C for that. Additionally, using brim will help to improve first layer adhesion.

Good luck

hi Björn, thank you so much for responding with this advice and links, sehr hilfreich :wink:
I will try to calibrate my printer more and test out first layer adhesion and modifying some temperatures as mentioned. printer is sitting in the corner of a room while i’m getting my apt soundproofed for a few weeks, will try all of this after that and share efforts. looking forward to any firmware updates, also, could you please share your prusa settings for your sv04, ideally single extrusion and double (i don’t really care about mirror/double tbh).

Hi apok88,
enclosed you’ll find my current PrusaSlicer v2.7.4 configuration bundle. The import procedure is documented here.
Please keep in mind that my filament parameters might not be optimal for your filaments.

2024-04-24 PrusaSlicer_v2.7.4_config_bundle.ini (51,7 KB)