Hello! I have problems with my sovol sv06 printer. Everytime I print i get huge amount of stringing. Because of that some of those string get stuck to the nozzle and after a bunch of plastic is formed it drops at a random place of printing causing failures. I tried to increase retraction up to 3-4mm at 70 mm/s speed, but strings don’t disappear completely causing same problems. I also tried to decrease flow down to 95% but printing quality gets worse. 99% of flow changes nothing. Also, when moving the extruder after printing a certain number of layers, a sound is heard as if the nozzle is clinging to the part, sliding right over it. I think this is because the plastic from the stringing is sticking to the model, increasing the layer thickness, but I’m not sure. I noticed a squeaking sound coming from the extruder, but it doesn’t seem to be constant. Is that normal? Please help, I’m almost desperate.
Change the Retraction back to stock 0.5.
The sound you might be hearing when the nozzle moves across the part is probably infill, change infill to Gyroid.
Like Lion says. The retraction cannot be higher than 0.5mm. On the SV06 there is no distance between the heat break and the extruder. So if you have 3-4mm retraction, you may be pulling melted plastic right back up through the exturder. This would cause major problems, likle clogging in the heat break or worse.
That being said, the stringing is probably caused by over extrusion. So feeding melted plastic out of the nozzel faster than you are printing. In the case of over extrusion, I usualy take the opportuntity to just increase the print speed. Lowering the nozzel temperature will also slow down the amount of plastic coming out of the nozzel.
So getting the extrusion rate right is juggling between print speed, nozzel temperature, and layer height and width. The layer height and width are pretty much set. So the next thing to get right is the nozzel temperature. Once that is correct, I start ramping up the speed until I get under extursion. I can then solve under extrusion by bumping up the nozzel temperature.
The speed limit is hit when, artifacts start showing up in the prints, or something in the hardware fails which causes a layer shift, or worse. If artifacts are showing up in the prints, there are ways to tune the firmware to increase the speed limit. If hardware fails, well that pretty much is the speed limit, without R&D and retail therapy.