Hey everyone,
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, just wanted to follow up on this post since its the only thread that came close to a solution for me thanks to Bjoern before starting my own investigation. I came up with this same problem as the original poster about a month ago with no luck to fix it, and the driver that Bjoern provides was my only lead. I went through and tried to install this driver but Windows 11 (Not sure about 10 but probably it too) didn’t recognize it in the folder. Instead, I got the SV04 IDEX to be recognized as a device by windows and as COM5 in device manager with a driver from a more recent SV06 forum post. In it, user heatm311 had a link to a different driver. After following his link to the support website, and then downloading the drivers from there, Windows recognized the device when I updated the usb driver in device manager on the printer’s generic connection.
If you’re facing this problem of the printer not connecting properly in this way, try THIS website that heatm311 provided for the drivers.
Otherwise, hope this helps!