I can´t get a USB connection with sv04 and sovol cura 1.5.7 or ultimaker cura 4.1.0 on a Windows 7 PC. but i get a USB-connection in chrome g-code sender and in Printrun 2.0.1 so the driver looks ok. i also tried with windows 11 laptop, exactly the same result. do anyone have a idea for this problem?
regards Gerald
USB 2 or 3 ?
What’s about the cable ?
Thats not the problem, i can also use Repetier-Server and Host connected via USB and it´s working. it is strange with Ultimaker Cura, i installed the ver. 4.1.0 for win7 and NO connection.
I change my workflow with Repetier-Server and i hope it will worl well for me.