SV04 Printing Issues z axis

Hi there,
there is no need to wait for me - testing if the stepper motors can move & if the screw rods do follow the steppers is a good starting point.
If the screw rods are not following it should help to tighten the screws of the clutch couplings that fix the screw rods to the stepper motors.

Checking if the screw rods can be turned by hand easily is also a good idea. Both rods should be turned simultaneously when the printer is powered off. While turning the rods it will be noticeable if they are bent. A little bit of mechanical resistance will be caused by the stepper motors, but in case of higher resistance a close look for dirt and foreign objects on the treads & in the lead screws could help to identify a mechanical problem source.

In case of no mechanical problems the next step should be checking for electrical problem: From the “Settings” → “Move” menu the Z-Steppers can be powered. While the stepper motors are moving an electrical multimeter should indicate an alternating voltage between two pairs of pins on each 4-pin Z-axis stepper motor plug. If the motors are not moving, but still powered on there should be a DC voltage between at least two of the four motor plug pins. In case of missing voltage the wiring between motor plug and motherboard should be checked. In case the cable connection is intact measuring the voltage on the Z-motor connectors on the motherboard will be necessary. If there is no voltage between any motor pin during motor movement or motor hold at all, the problem is loacted on the motherboard & it could be either the TMC 2209 motor driver, the respective GPU pins or the onboard connections between.

Besides from the Z-axis issue: There are no log files out of the box. USB connection to a PC could be done by installing the freeware printrun/pronterface. In case of a missing USB-driver help can be found here.

Good luck!