raise_Z Distance 5mm, Homing not require cfg file

I would like to have this added to the SOVOL SV08 display screen, I don’t know if this is possible using SOVOL firmware?

# raise_Z.cfg
# e.g. raise_Z
# raise_Z Distance 5mm
# Homing is not required; So some damage could be caused if not carefull allow space for the Z movement
# The code does this to reduce the chance of accidentally commanding the head into the bed or a wall. 
# Once the printer is homed the software attempts to verify each move is within the position_min/max defined in the config file.
# If the motors are disabled (via an M84 or M18 command) then the motors will need to be homed again prior to movement.
# It can force potentially unsafe movement
# There appears to be a limit on how far a Z movement will thake place. It appears to be 5mm
# It Is probably not advisable to move much more than 5mm at a to anyway, incase the Z carriage is raise higher than the maximun height
# Of couse this routine may be called more than once. Each call raising the Z carriage 5mm higher, this could raise the Z carrige too high and cause damage to the 3D Printer

# SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION [X=<value>] [Y=<value>] [Z=<value>]: Force the low-level kinematic code to believe the toolhead is at the given cartesian position
# This is a diagnostic and debugging command; use SET_GCODE_OFFSET and/or G92 for regular axis transformations. If an axis is not specified then it will
# default to the position that the head was last commanded to. Setting an incorrect or invalid position may lead to internal software errors. 
# This command may invalidate future boundary checks; issue a G28 afterwards to reset the kinematics.

# Other links:
# https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/pull/3938

[gcode_macro raise_Z]
description: Raise the Z Carriage 5mm higher
    # raise_Z Distance 5mm

    M117 Raise Z 5mm


    G1 Z 5