Probe won’t detect bed

When I auto home my printer my nozzle will ram the bed and the light won’t turn off, when a put the plate directly under the probe above the nozzle it’ll detect it, hi have tried, a new probe, lowering there probe, and z offset changing, what can I do to fix this

I would check the wiring as it connects to the mainboard. I fitted the 3D Touch to my SV02 and initially the printer wouldn’t turn on. I rechecked the pins on the board and found the instructions I followed had the pinouts wrong and I had shorted the 5V rail. Once this was sorted I had the same issue as you are experiencing with the nozzle trying to get through the bed. I had put the trigger wire on the wrong pin so the mainboard wasn’t seeing the probe had triggered.

I tried putting the plate up to it while homing and it worked but it seems the range of the probe has gone down, is the plate screwed up or should I not use the sensor they provide

It sounds like you need to reset the Z-Offset.
Do all the leveling again, like when you 1st got it.

I uhm… yeah I didn’t do that stuff so is there like…a guide

SV06 Plus Wiki

Download links at top of page.

Try to set the probe back where it was before you start.

Which link? The sd file? Or should I use usb? I legit do not know

Sovol SV06 Plus User Manual

Sovol SV06 Plus Leveling Guide

I’m sorry but I don’t understand how this fixes the probe not detecting the bed

I mean it does but not before the nozzle drying into the bed

You posted above that you didn’t do the setup when you got the printer.
You need to put the probe as close as you can to where it was & follow the leveling guide.

Oh… yeah it won’t let me get to the leveling menu cause it rams into the bed when it auto homes the z axis automatically, I don’t know what prompted the problem but it’s all kinda sudden cause it was fine one day finicky the next and broken the next

I tried anyway and yeah didn’t work

You there?

I’m just gonna cash in the warranty I can’t deal with this

That might be the best thing for you to do.

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Could it be the bed? Did the bed somehow lose magnetism or soemthing

Never heard of that happening.
If the plate sticks to the bed, it’s magnetized.

You have the bed, then a rubber magnetic sheet, then the steel print plate.

Can you post some pics like the user did.

Post them here in this thread, so things don’t get confused.