Print issues

I tried printing a stand for my rc card and it did this. I just got this on Sunday and I am so lost. Any help would be appreciated. And notice the left side looks like it failed printing correctly

What is the model supposed to look like…??
So we have something to compare it to.

Also, what filament, hotend temp, bed temp, supports…??

I had the bed temp at 67 and the filment temp at 220 and it’s the filment that came with the printer and I’ll get a pic of what it’s supposed to look like when I get home

If it’s PLA, the temperature is too much high.
Try 60 for the bed and 195 for the filament.

Welcome to the forum and have fun with the SV06 ACE!
The included PLA is not representative of normal printing. It is a PLA without the addition of pigments or other additives. This means that this PLA has a very low melting temperature and requires very strong part cooling. Usually PLA is more of a mixture of PLA, dye and other additives.
The photo does not show how the object is aligned on the print bed. A support structure may be required. The information is a bit too limited to give precise details on the settings.


Maybe not the result you were hoping for, though it seems that at least most of the machine is working.

The suggestion of using lower temps is a good one. Also maybe it is better to buy some proper filament. The white filament isn’t neccesary the best filament.

Always wise to start with a baseline. Use the benchy that is on the sdcard. That way you know you are printing a model that has certainly has all the right settings. (there should be one on it which you can print under 13 minutes with a good result).

A good place to start is ellis3dp.
It has a few good tips on bed adhesion and calibration. Lots of problems can be prevented following these steps.

Good luck!